Speech On Creativity And Creativity

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Albert Einstein once said, “ Creativity is intelligence having fun”. The high usage of technology and smartphones in this particular era has lead to many suggestions that creativity is being killed by our reliance on these tools. Although some may say that technology is improving and embracing creativity, I think it is actaully depleting the amount of imagination and creativity in this day and age because we don’t understand the importance of creativity. Such as the lack of children playing, the way schools are teaching and how much REM sleep affects people today. In spite of the fact that many believe that technology is embracing creativity and imagination however, when it comes to the lack of children playing and being creativity technology …show more content…

“When we sleep, there are two basic phases: REM sleep and deep sleep. REM sleep is a light form of sleep. It takes about a hour and a half to move out of REM sleep into deep sleep. Deep sleep is when our brains sort out and catalog all the information we have taken in during the day. If we don’t get enough of this type of sleep, we lose our ability to be creative and imaginative.” said Joel Brown. As Joel Brown says how together in order to be fully rested and ready for the next morning you need deep sleep rather than REM sleep. This proves the fact that technology is ruining creativity of all ages through REM sleep. As well as, the fact that we stare at our screens that much that most Americans are affected by REM sleep. According to The National Sleep Foundation, “95 percent of people surveyed admitted to using electronic devices prior to sleeping. Researchers have found using these devices so close to bedtime can lead to sleep disturbances, low energy and drowsy driving.” This shows how most Americans stayed glued to electronics so much it can affect not only their mental health but physical as through affecting your creativity and imagination which is crucial in everyday life. Again, many may say that sleep can only affect your energy but actually it also impedes our creativity. As Joel Brown says REM sleep can affect us in more than one way but mostly our creativity

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