Special Education Administrator Application Essay

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I am in an interesting position for this discussion because I am currently the special education administrator for two different districts. I have been in this position for 2 years. Prior to this position, I acted as the interim director for a year and as a special education teacher and a classroom teacher before that. I am happy to say that I have not had the experience of participating in a due process hearing. However, I have been involved in several facilitated meetings both as a special education teacher and as an administrator.
The first facilitated meeting that I participated in was about 5 years ago. I was the special education teacher for the students. The family and the school were trying to agree upon the services needed for twins with an eligibility category of autism. The family had a difficult time trusting the school or any of the school personnel/therapists. The family had a history of “school hopping” and the student’s had attendance concerns. The school requested that a state facilitator be present and facilitate the meeting and the parents agreed to the meeting. The team met with the facilitator and agreed to the services and goals for the IEP for both …show more content…

We had a high school student that was on the ISAT-Alt with an eligibility category of autism. This student had significant services and accommodations including academic supports, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, and behavior supports. The parent refused to allow the testing that the team felt was necessary for the upcoming re-evaluation. After a particularly intense IEP meeting, I suggested to the team that we reconvene and invite a state facilitator to attend to ensure equity of voice. The parent agreed to the meeting and with the help of the facilitator, the team was able to agree on testing and move forward. This student also left our school shortly after this

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