Item #: SCP-217
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Containment area is to be kept behind two reverse-pressure airlocks. Chemical shower sterilization, full contained-atmosphere haz-mat suits, and 24-hour post-interaction quarantine and testing are mandatory for all personnel entering containment area. Should containment be breached, the blast door for the containment and research area will seal, and chemical agent ZEER-217-11 will be pumped into the air.
Any humans exposed to SCP-217 are to be contained and held for observation. Any items touched by those affected by SCP-217 must be sterilized.
Description: SCP-217 is a virus, incurable by current means, with a rate of infectivity at 100%. It affects all organisms in the
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Some have reported a feeling of “fluttering” or “moving” under the skin, coupled with a persistent “ticking” noise. This noise seems most prominent when SCP-217 infects the shoulders, neck, and head; however, it is audible if recording equipment is pressed against an affected area.
Initial infection of SCP-217 is, as has been already stated, almost undetectable. As the infection advances, subjects will begin to feel sharp, “tearing” pain in areas that are being “converted”. It has been compared to a knife wound or a deep muscle tear, and can persist for hours, or several days, depending on both the subject and the area affected. The new clockwork organs appear to tear and rip at tissue for a short time, before becoming fully integrated and settling into the surrounding tissue, and this is believed to account for the pain.
Areas infected appear to be metal, mainly brass, steel, and iron. Other substances have been reported, appearing to be leather, rubber, glass, wood, and other basic materials. Despite appearances, it is purely organic material, and even carries a subject’s DNA. Organs and tissues affected appear more resilient than normal, carrying the same strength and density as the materials they resemble, instead of normal tissue density. Areas damaged repair over time, but is much slower than standard human
This extremely pathogenic zoonotic virus is now understood to travel from bat species, to equine intermediate hosts, to humans.[8, 10] The Hendra virus is listed as a Bio-Safety Level (BSL)-4, and can only be studied at a few adequately equipped laboratories worldwide due to its virulence.[1, 2] Case fatality rates
US, Army Training and Doctrine Command. (2008). Field Manual 3-11.21: MULTISERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES FOR CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR, CONSEQUENCE MANAGEMENT. Fort Monroe, Virginia: US, Army Training and Doctrine Command.
The Technical Escort Unit (TEU) now provides the Department of Defense and other federal agencies to include the Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation with an immediate response capability for chemical and biological warfare material. Its mission is to provide a global response for escorting, packaging, detection, rendering-safe, disposing, sampling, analytics, and remediation missions. This does not only include chemical weapons for which it was originally created, but now incorporates biological weapons, state sponsored laboratories, small independent laboratories and small non-weaponized radioactive materials. Most recently, they have been task organized to assist Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) as a force multiplier; the objective of this is to give the Battle Field Commander instant on the ground intelligence regarding Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) hazards within their Area of Operations (AO). With this new mission with the BCT, the TEU is becoming an expeditionary force.
This virus searches for a new vulnerable host in order to survive and carry the disease to the next victim. The critical aspect around the spread of a virus is how drastically the reproduction process occurs. Without being controlled, the contamination throughout any species causes the spread to take place in a toxic way, “On day one, there were two people. And then, four, and then, sixteen. In three months, it’s a billion. material, and detonators. As a result, the bomb casing was destroyed; most of the explosive material burned up, but a case of four spare detonators and the nuclear capsule were recovered undamaged. Since the components were separated, it was impossible for a nuclear detonation to occur. Had these safety measures not been put in place, the situation could very well have been much worse.
been previously touched by an infected person, will transmit the disease to the healthy person who
Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria ) from an essay by Katrina Tram Duong, edited by S.N. Carson M.D.
An IED that is rendered safe has been separated into its subcomponents, analyzed by the bomb technician to ensure the threat from the IED has been mitigated, and disassembled to the point that it is no longer an IED. Hazardous material (HAZMAT) may be rendered safe by a disposal operation, which may include destruction or burning. There are many individual tasks within a bomb technician’s chosen course of action but they will differ significantly for each IED encountered or with each disposal operation conducted. Therefore, Render Safe Procedures (RSP) is a term specific to the bomb community and does not refer to any specific delineated procedural step. An appropriate RSP is one in which the bomb technician accomplishes the above actions in a way that results in a safe and successful execution. The goal of this course is to recertify PSBTs and SABTs by testing their proficiency on basic bomb technician knowledge and skills. During the course, we will also furnish
Imagine a rare, life-threating complication of a simple bacteria, causing many awful symptoms. One may have bleeding, bruising, diarrhea, and much more – all of which could resemble another aliment. However, with a simple culture that reveals one certain type of bacteria, one may be look at something much more serious. Toxic shock syndrome fittingly earns the name “syndrome” in its title as syndrome refers to “a disease that cause a variety of ailments” (1). As mentioned previously, toxic shock syndrome does just that. It may present itself with common symptoms, but a culture will reveal much more. Specifically, a culture will reveal the unnerving bacteria of none other than either Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogens. Both of these bacterium cause what is known as toxic shock syndrome with the only difference in being their initial symptoms. Toxic shock syndrome has been documented to have been first recorded by the Greek physician Hippocrates who lived about 460-377 B.C. (1). However, toxic shock syndrome was questioned and remained a mystery for hundreds of years later. Toxic shock syndrome was thought to be “an obscure disease limited to a particular population of people in which the disease predictably appeared” (1). In the 1900s, toxic shock syndrome became a disease associated with trauma. This trauma may have been from car accidents, industrial mishaps, or even war injuries, but no one person could figure it out entirely. Annually, toxic shock syndrome affects _____.
Special Containment Procedures: Efforts to contain SCP-2185 are ongoing. Foundation negotiation experts have met with individuals believed to be ringleaders in the operation of SCP-2185 in order to reach a compromise that would result in the cessation of its violent anomalous actions. More active and aggressive containment efforts have been deemed an unnecessary risk at this point in time, as these might result in a great widening of SCP-2185 activity, currently relatively isolated. Persons of Interest affected by the actions of SCP-2185 are to be dealt with on an individual case basis as decreed by the Foundation Diplomatic Committee. Unrelated individuals affected by SCP-2185 are to be dealt with in accordance to standard DaC (Denial and Compensation) procedure and the phenomena explained to be the result of unusual flash floods. The Foundation's possession of anomalous creatures similar in composition to members of SCP-2185 is not to come to their attention.
The third step is when the bacteria is left attached too long, then an irreversible attachment occurs. Fourthly, is again an irreversible step when cells attach to the environment, associated with the production of extra cellular polymer substance, or EPS.... ... middle of paper ... ... Industries that are affected by this are medical factories that make Band-Aids and other useful things to cover cuts with. Also, doctors get money when children come in with an infection that they have in a cut from the river because they slipped on the biofilm on the rocks.
Headquarters, Department of the Army (31 August 2007), FM 3-05.132 Army Special Operations Forces Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Operations,
Military Analysis Network. (2001, March). Fox M93A1 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance System (NBCRS). Retrieved from
Brownleek, Shannon. “The Most Persistent Virus.” U.S. News and World Report 29 May. 1995: 43-49.
for which no cure has yet been created. It is important to know however, that methods are currently available which can prevent the transfer of this virus, and even slow down its malicious effects. before they become fatal. It is equally important to know how to avoid getting the virus and also the symptoms in case you might run across them. They are all a lot.