Solutions to Poverty: First, End Welfare Fraud

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“Michigan lottery winner arrested on charges of felony welfare fraud”

-- Melissa Anders --

Poverty is an issue in America that has become a growing problem. While it may not necessarily be an issue that gains a lot of attention from people in today’s society, it is still a problem that should be addressed, especially in times of economic hardship like the ones that we are currently experiencing. Money has become tight for a lot of people, but there are still those that have always had a problem meeting the needs that they have in everyday life. In order to address this problem, the government put into place many government aid programs that are designed to help those when they are truly in need of it. However, it seems that today there are many people who are receiving government aid that do not truly need it. These are the people that cheat the system and the tax payers who are paying for the benefits that they are receiving.

Before the topic of government aid is addressed, there is information about the poverty rates that puts the topic in perspective.

The poverty rate in America has recently increased a noticeable amount. The poverty rate increased from 13.2% in 2008 to 14.3% in 2009. This meant that in 2009 there were 43.6 million people living in poverty (Poverty 298). With this many people that are reported living in poverty, it is clearly demonstrated that there are those who need the support of the government. However, it does not mean that everyone who is receiving government aid actually needs it. There are still those that manage to find ways to cheat the system, which creates problems for the tax payers. Since they are the ones who are forced by the government to provide the money for those that are struggling to make ends meet, they do not want to be responsible for those that are capable of doing it on their own.

The goal is to address why the welfare system needs to be reformed, however first it is necessary to understand what welfare actually is.

Welfare is one government aid program that is designed to help those living in poverty. It is essentially financial aid for those living in poverty. While this is not the only government aid program that exists to help those in need, it is a very large program. It was first put in place in the 1930s during the gre...

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...hose who need the assistance receive it. I think that the reform on the system is going to take a lot of time, but I also think that in the end, the reform will be a success as it will limit the amount of money that is wasted on those that do not need it.

Works Cited

B, Penny. “American Citizens Abusing the Welfare System: Your Reactions – by Penny B - Helium.” Helium – Where Knowledge Rules. Web. 20 Jan. 2011. < your-reactions.>

Borjas, George J., and Stephen J. Trejo. “Immigrant Participation in the Welfare System.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 44.2 (1991): 195-211. JSTOR. Cornell University, School of Industrial & Labor Relations. Web. 13 Feb. 2011. .

Corcoran, M. “RAGS TO RAGS: POVERTY AND MOBILITY IN THE UNITED STATES.”Annual Review of Sociology 21.1 (1995): 237. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 20 Jan. 2011.

“Poverty in the United States.” Congressional Digest 89.10 (2010): 298-300. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 24 Jan. 2011.

Melissa Anders --

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