Socrates Crito Vs Antigone

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Imagine being in the shoes of Rosa Parks, sitting on a bus and told to go to the back of the bus just because of the color of your skin. However, you decide to remain seated, adhering to your belief in equality for all. You do this despite knowing the consequences that may follow, such as prison. In this case is one doing wrong in standing up for their beliefs? In Plato’s Crito and Sophocles’s Antigone, both characters, Socrates and Antigone, face a difficult decision: whether or not to follow their notions. Socrates has the opportunity to escape prison, but he prefers death because he thinks it's immoral of him to break the law. Similarly, Antigone chooses death in order to bury her brother, Polyneices, because he isn't getting a proper burial, …show more content…

When speaking to Crito about how escaping prison is wrong, Socrates claims, “The really important thing is not to live but to live well.” (Line 68, 267). He argues that life is meant to be lived with meaning and purpose. One shouldn’t focus on how long they live, instead focus on how they live. According to Socrates, to live well also means to live honorably. I agree with Socrates in choosing to live with honor because I believe that life is supposed to be lived with purpose. I say that living honorably means choosing a challenging life-- standing up for the right thing regardless of the consequences and discomfort-- over the life that won’t cause worries, hardship or sacrifices. Living honorably also means going through life without a handout and not letting one’s ego interfere with helping others. One can’t expect everything (such as jobs and money) to come to them easily. Everything pays off when a person works for it. At the same time when a person is working for themselves they shouldn’t forget about others. This goes with Socrates choice in staying in prison and his belief of living well because he chose a difficult decision which was not escape prison, which would have made his life easier, but it would be setting a bad example for the youth, that breaking the law for one’s own comfort is right, and that would be a …show more content…

When speaking to Crito about if we are mutilated by wrong actions and benefited by right ones, Socrates says, “What we ought to consider is not so much what people in general will say about us but how we stand with the expert in right and wrong, the one authority, who represents the actual truth.” (267, 68-71). Socrates believes we shouldn’t care about what people’s opinions are about our beliefs. We should focus on standing up to the authorities if they are going against our morals . I agree with Socrates that a person should stand up for justice because everyone is created with equal rights, and if authority abuses one’s right we should speak up. His statement will have a significant application when an authority imposes an immoral law or rule because in that moment one will have to stand up against the unjust action . Socrates thinks if authority treats an individual or group unequally, it is immoral because he thinks that people aren’t equal, however, he thinks people should be treated equally. In this case standing up to immorality is the right thing to do if the person thinks the higher power is wrong. Similarly, Antigone agrees with Socrates’s claim of people being treated equally because of her experience with one of her brothers, Polyneices, not having a burial while the other brother, Eteocles, did have a

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