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This essay will include definitions and concepts of how theorists perceive sociology. Sociological thinking will be explained and discussed as to why it is important and how it can contribute to certain questions within society. In addition, this essay will look at the debate of whether Sociology and other social sciences should be considered as a notable and valuable recognition of academic discipline.
According to Giddens & Sutton 7th edn. (2013), Sociology is ‘defined as the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such’. A more in-depth interpretation of sociology is that it is the study of society and how it impacts individuals’ decision making, values and morals. The social science itself
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Auguste Comte (1978-1857) is cited as the father of sociology and argued that natural sciences would produce a ‘positive science of society’ (Haralambos & Holborn, 2000). Comte too was most influential for the term of ‘positivism’ as he believed that human society could be scientifically studied. Positivism uses objective, quantitative methods to look for patterns and trends within human society. Opposition to this is interpretivism; the theory that gathers in-depth, qualitative data. Interpretivists argue that sociology should not be considered as a science as individuals should be researched as humans with feelings and meanings, not as numbers and statistics.
Functionalist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) also argued that sociology can be studied scientifically. He conducted a famous positivist research on suicide and found that there were certain categories of people who were more likely to commit suicide. For instance, men would commit suicide more than women and there were more suicides among Protestants than Catholics (Durkheim 1952 [1897]). Durkheim suggested that suicide was determined by two social facts of ‘integration’ and
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Christaki (2013) asserts that social sciences have stagnated. Likewise, he comments that ‘they are not only boring but also counterproductive, constraining engagement with the scientific cutting edge and stifling the creation of new and useful knowledge’. The study of social sciences have not become a stand still as new social issues are incorporated in the course modules regularly to keep the knowledge up to date and reliable. If social science degrees were not counted as beneficial information then humanities understanding of society and the relationships among individuals within a society would be non-existent. No one would know why people may or may not be wired to commit crimes or why primary socialisation of children at an early age is important.
Many people would query what is sociology for and why should anyone care about it. Self-enlightenment and an increased self-understanding can be delivered from thinking sociologically. It makes individuals aware of culture and diversity and that there is not just one type of society. Social sciences are seen as not dependable or academically stimulating as natural sciences. But as Goodall & Oswald cites, ‘what principally matters is whether social scientists are doing their job of helping humans to understand the world and improve life’.
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People use to think sociology is something theoretically and cannot put it into practice. The blog of “ Doing Sociology” by peter Kaufman show we what a sociology majors can pursue, and how to apply sociology into our daily lives. In fact, there are a lot of departments and career resources that need sociologist. To make sociology less abstract, we need to be able to apply sociology into our everyday lives. Kaufman’s model of “doing sociology” has four point that will help we adopt sociology to our lives. The four points are:
Kendall, D., Linden, R., & Murray, J. L. (2008). Sociology in our times: The essentials (4th Cdn
Sociology is the study of the relationships that humans have with each other and social institutions. It aims to understand the links that exist between individuals and the social structures around them and also the functions that these social institutions perform in society.
Sociology cannot be clearly explained as there are many different theories and theorists; so far none of them have been defined as a correct answer. Although with all this information of theories and theorists sociology is relatively explained as agreed philosophies that delivers a reason for human society. Sociological theories are like most other theories, they are selective, and there is no quantity of theory to explain everything or define the infinite amount of information that exist or comprehend the methods of observing reality. Sociological theories vary and can be linked to each other according to various criteria. The two main perspectives of sociology are the micro sociological approach and the macro sociological approach. The micro sociological approach is based more on the persons being capable of their own independent thoughts feelings and behaviour; therefor society is built through their interactions amongst each other and the significances they attach to them. This approach is defined using Social Action Theory and Symbolic Interactionism. The Macro Sociological approach is on a much bigger scale and consists of a person being born into a current society which will then shape their behaviour. It centres on the organisations, values and the culture of that particular society and how it impacts an individual and their role in life. This approach is made clearer using Functionalism, Feminist and Conflict Theories.
When Durkheim conducted his research on suicide he did it with the intention of establishing Sociology as a science and as a result almost validate the worth and power of sociology. Before Durkheim’s study, suicide was considered only as the act of an individual however Durkheim’s theory was that suicide tied in with social structures and even though he believed that suicide is ‘the most personal act anyone can undertake’ (Durkheim, 1897), he also believed it was accredited to social causes.
After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits among people; it is also a science about factors in a person’s life and how these factors culminate responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it studies; for, even the slightest change of a person’s daily experience can have an insurmountable impact on attitude, personal growth, family dynamics and basic group behavior.
To get a sense of this imperative role that religion plays in defining sociological behavior; we need to take a look at the beginnings of modern academic sociology. We see that it began with analysis of religion, as seen in Emile
Without these different social sciences and scientists that study them, people may not know how the world really works. Scientists look into events that could potentially give ideas of why something became the way that it is. Sociological perspective also gives insight into why someone might be the way that they are. It is important for everyone to have a sociologist’s perspective because this means that, instead of judging someone only because of how another person see them the first time, that person would be able to try to find a deeper meaning and not be too quick to judge. Another thing that is important for people to have is sociological imagination. Sociological imagination gives a person the ability to see a connection between their own world and the bigger world. This is important so that a person could see how much they impact the world or how the world impacts
A wide range of people all over the world inaccurately come to the conclusion that sociology is merely, ‘the study of the obvious’ and the application of common sense, this statement could not be further from the truth. Common sense derives from statements such as, ‘opposites attract’, however the Sociological sense takes this belief and carries out numerous tests to discover whether it is fact, or fiction.
I think everyone should ask themselves what is sociology? I believe that sociology is the scientific study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. This is a huge topic to cover. Sociology explains the way people act and think, based on
Before I started taking the course of sociology I wasn’t really expecting to learn anything, it was just supposed to be an easy online class. However, that was not the case. It challenged my mind. I started to see sociology all around me, starting with family, then friends, and how I see things overall in general. The fact that we have an everyday life in which there are patterns in ways of living is what sets a platform for a sociological breakdown and for being a part in what we do. A better way of understanding ourselves. We use sociology in many ways every day. One central and important study of sociology is the study of everyday social life. Everyday life and sociology are definitely two different words and situations, but they tend to hold a close relationship. While sociology is the study of the human interaction, everyday life consists of everyday human interaction. Everyday life is filled by human beings interacting with one another, ideas, and emotions. Sociology studies the interactions with all of these and shows how mere interaction resulted in things such as ideas. For an example, race and ethnicity are important concepts in the field of sociology and are ones that are studied a great deal. Race plays a large role in everyday human interactions and sociologists want to study how, why, and what the outcomes are of these interactions. Current sociological theories focus mainly on how there are many different factors in our everyday items of life, like movies. We were assigned a final to write a review for a movie in sociological form. The movie that was on the list that also happened to be one of my favorite movies, Toy Story. When we were assigned the assignment, I never thought about how in-depth it was with sociol...
Sociology is a study of society social life, social change, and social causes and consequences of human behaviour and allows us to gain an understanding of the structure and dynamics of today’s society, looking at the interlinking links patterns of human behaviour. Sociology looks at the in which social structure and institutions affect our everyday life. Sociological imagination was founded by C. Wright mills in the 1950`s it is an overall understanding of that some of the things that happen in society may lead to a particular outcome. Mills said it is “the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and wider society.” sociological imagination can also be defined as the ability to look at how sociological situations can unfold due to how everyone is different. The way we behave is shaped by the situation that we find ourselves in, the values and norms that we have and the way that other members of society act around us. It is also a way of thinking about how things in society have led to a particular outcome, and understanding of what led to that specific outcome. Sociological imagination is an ability to look at things socially and how they interact and influence each other gaining an understanding of different cultures and class systems.
Marsh, I and Keating, M., eds. (1996) Sociology: Making sense of society., ed [2006], England: Pearson Education.
To Quote Anthony Giddens: "Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its subject matter our own behaviour as social beings. The scope of sociology is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individuals in the street up to the investigation of world-wide social processes“(1989). Gidden’s statement describes sociology as a study that helps us understand our own behaviour as human beings in a social word. Sociologist study everything from the interaction between people in the street to the interaction between different countries. Sociologists aim to study how societies have changed over, how societies are structured and organized, the norms of society. It’s also important to understand that not all sociologists agree with each other, Sociologists often debate with one another to prove/disprove certain theories and concepts. By studying Sociology is it helps us analyze social conflicts on a micro and macro scope. Through a macro level, we can study large-scale social organization and large social categories it also examinees social processes and patterns society as a whole. We can analyze individuals much deeper on a micro level. This way we study a human by face-to face interactions. Its important as humans to understand the way our society came together and the reasons to how elements work and function together. Sociology gives us a deeper
The discipline of sociology provides a perspective that allows for individuals to expand and dig beyond “common knowledge” and inherit an approach to society that allows an advanced analysis of the root cause of activity in a certain society, opposed to assessing it on an assumption. A beneficial component to sociology is that it can be individually directed to different components of society that all contribute to its overall functioning. Under a sociological perspective we can use an engaged approach that once applied to social issues can improve the functioning of societies on both local and global scales that are considered complex, degrading, or facing considerable amounts of neglect. When we take into consideration the environment and