Sociological Theories Essay

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In the 1800s and early 1900s Sociological Theories were introduced in crime causation. The Social Ecology Theory, Anomie Theory, and Subcultural Theory, are a huge factor in the study of crime causation. While taking a sociological approach, they discovered that “the structure of prevailing social arrangements, the interaction between individuals and groups, and the social environment” (Schmalleger 89) are the main causes of criminal behavior. Prospectively speaking, the majority of sociological viewpoints of crime are very unique from each other. Though the spectrum of this topic is wide, they all originate on a few essential hypotheses.
The Social Ecology Theory also known as the disorganization theory, doesn’t exactly focus on different …show more content…

In the study of social disorganization, it was found that African Americans were more likely to live in neighborhoods that are high in crime rates, poverty, or live these areas because they have single parent homes. Robert Sampson and Julius Wilson claim it also has to deal with them from losing their jobs, or from making new developments, which causes African Americans to leave their homes. In order to go more into depth, they put the cultural side back into the social disorganization theory (Cullen and Agnew 94). By doing this Sampson and Wilson came to the conclusion that African Americans who live in poverty isolate themselves from social interaction outside their neighborhood. In which causes violence to be a part of life in high crime neighborhoods.
Anomie Theory was first brought up in the late nineteenth century by Emile Durkheim. According to Durkheim, Anomie happens when a drastic change happens in societies. In which, causes cultural norms to change. It was not until 1938 when Anomie was first introduced into criminology by Robert Merton. Merton used Anomie to describe that even though society has set goals on how people should live their lives, not everyone are able to achieve these goals because some don’t have the same opportunities as

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