Sociological Analysis Of Kalief Browder

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Summary of Video: A young man name Kalief Browder decided to take his life at age twenty-two after he served a long time in jail for something that he did not commit. He was accused of stealing a backpack and he was sentenced to one of the toughest jails in the country for three years. Half of the time that Browder served in jail, he was put in solitary confinement. After three long years in jail, Browder’s case was dismissed without ever getting a trial.

Sociological Analysis of Video Clip: This video was able to illustrate the concept of how race and ethnicity effects people when it comes to the criminal justice system. According to the textbook, The Sociology Project 2.0, we define race as a system for classifying people who are believed to share common descent based on perceived innate physical similarities (Morning p. 242). When it comes to race, an African American is six to eight times more likely to get arrested than …show more content…

Bureau of Justice Statistics 2011). Browder was arrested in 2010 and the statistics proves that race played a significant role in the arrest of Browder. Not only was Browder arrested, but he also was not given the proper court procedure. A white person of being accused of the same crime would have probably been given a better court trial. Racial profiling has become a major problem in our society today. Although crimes committed by African American has diminish since the 1970s, being black today means that you are more likely of getting arrested than in 1970. According to the reading of Alexander, more African American adults are under correctional control today—in prison or jail, on probation or parole—than were enslaved in 1850 (Alexander 2010). All these shocking facts should say a lot about the kind of society that live in

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