Society's Rules In Huckleberry Finn

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After reading this novel, it is very easily seen that Twain picks at different things such as racism, religion and some other subjects. For now, let’s focus on the racism and the main characters form of freedom. As seen in Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there is a considerable contrast between society’s rules and Huck and Jim’s form of rules. This novel also illustrates a reasonable amount of irony as well. Which I believe that Twain did inorder to magnify unexpected twists throughout the novel. In this novel, there is a distinct difference in societary rules vs Huck and Jim’s form of rules. It could be interpreted that Pap had a huge significance to this novel. Yes, Pap was a terrible father figure for Huck and tried …show more content…

When Huck is offshore, it almost seems like the river is some sort of Eden away from the sinfulness back on land. It is almost as if Huck is free and he realizes that saying, “Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel might free and easy and comfortable on a raft”. (Twain, 47) Huck and Jim were able to overcome the racial differences and become friends and acquaint with one another because, on the river, there is no question of race, religion or etc… it’s pure nature untamed by man and free of its judgement, it could be seen that way at least through Huck’s eyes. This helps form the novel, seeing as Huck was able to overcome the racial differences between Jim and himself, and have a form of a stable father figure. After some shocking episodes onshore, Huck and Jim are able to escape back to the river. Both Huck and Jim are, even though it is for a brief period, truly free. As long as they are on the river. As soon as they set foot back on shore the laws of man are forced back on them. After looking at a quote from Huck, “These liars warn’t no kings nor dukes, at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds” (Twain, 85) a reader can infer that this is Huck’s view of being on land. It’s filled with unnecessary rules and

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