Socialism In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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Socialism is a set of both social systems and economic systems that are characterized by democratic control and also social ownership of all production, exchange and distribution equally within the community and focused on the common good. In the 185O’s, Mark Twain’s era, the South was far from a democracy. Caucasians were called upon to earn the highest levels of education, constantly act proper, and lead the society. They typically owned all the systems for production of goods, movement of products, and sales of materials. In contrast, Africans were enslaved and faced discrimination and racism everywhere. Many in both groups claim socialism existed in the South. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn showcases the socialist struggles between …show more content…

Although the book was written in the 188O’s and not the 184O’s when minstrel shows began appearing, the story renders a comic primal touch to the character Jim (Carey-Webb 24). The mask was symbolic of the illusion that African Americans were equal and had an equal roll in commerce and thus society was a socialist form of government. However, by using a mask that showed a “black faced figure of white fun”, the African character was reduced to a joke with no power within the society (Elision 421). When the novel was completed, although Africans had received citizenship, Southern Caucasian society saw them as animals devoid of any soul or feeling. This is portrayed in Huck Fin as even the boy takes Jim for …show more content…

He does this by having Huck point to “the leaves and rubbish on the raft” and ask “what does these things stand for” (Clemens 287). As Jim hears this, he realizes that Huck had played a trick on him and responds:
“What do dey stan’ for? I’s gwyne to tell you. When I got all wore out wid work, en wid de callin’ for you, en went to sleep, my heart wuz mos’ broke bekase you wuz los, en I didn’ k’yer no mo what become er me en de raf’. En when I wake up en fine you back agin’, all safe en soun’, de tears come en I could a got down on my knees en kiss you’ foot I’s so thankful. En all you wuz thinking ‘bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie.” (Clemens 287)
Jim criticizes Huck for the fasade and tells him that he is the equivalent of trash, as he states “trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head or dey fren’s en makes ‘em ashamed” (Clemens 287). In this moment, Huck realizes his error and apologizes. This gives hope that people can change and socialism can

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