Social Justice Issues In Colombia

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It is vital to acknowledge and address how social justice issues impact food security and sustainability. These issues are often interlocked; We cannot fully solve one without attempting to solve the other. In Colombia, there are many problems within the justice system. The country has a high rate of crime. Theft, robberies, extortion, kidnapping, and drug production and trafficking are the most common crimes in both rural and urban Colombia (OSAC, 2017). Although the Colombian government recently established a peace agreement with one of the largest guerilla groups, political violence is still prevalent throughout the country. The armed conflict in Colombia has disproportionately affected ethnic minorities, including Indigenous, Afro-Colombian, …show more content…

Police officers often request bribes and there is corruption throughout the Colombian government. This corruption has a significant impact on justice, because they are not interested in genuinely protecting and serving the country and citizens. A corrupt government is like a roadblock and no other issues can be solved until that corruption is removed. The links between the social justice issues in Colombia, the uneven distribution of wealth, and the high levels of food insecurity are evident. Ethnic minorities, women, and children have less access to education, health and a diversified diet. The first step toward a solution for food insecurity in Colombia is to address and reduce the amount of corruption within the government and law enforcement. These agencies and organizations need to be flushed out. Accusations against officers and politicians should be taken seriously and formally addressed, with punishments in place for those who are guilty. This is a tactic that worked well for Los Angeles in the early 90’s when their police department was heavily corrupted. While Los Angeles is much smaller scale than Colombia, this is at least a place to start. Establishing transparency between the government and its citizens is another crucial step. The Colombian people should know what is going on in their government and who is responsible. Creating a civilian review program can also help combat corruption. Citizens should be able to hold police officers and politicians accountable for their

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