Social Control Theory

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Due to the increased use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in day to day engagements, digital crimes have also been on the rise in the recent times. The computers act both as an object, subject, and a tool for committing digital crimes (Mohammed, 2015). Mohammed (2015) maintains that there is no sufficient definition of digital crimes, but observed that digital crime may encompass all illegal activities done to data, or information on computers, or networks. Common forms of digital crimes include, but are not limited to, assault through threats on social media, child pornography, and exploitation, cyber laundering, and theft (Mohammed, 2015).
Theories Explaining Causes of Digital Crime
The objective of this document is to understand the reasons why people commit digital crime. Two theories, self-control theory, and Social Control theory, are chosen to explain the cause of digital crime. These two theories are chosen because they provide answers to two opposing questions. While self-control theory answers why people commit digital crime, social control theory provides an explanation as to why people adhere to laws, rules norms. Both the theories also provide the psychological motive of the crime, and this is interesting considering any criminal act often originate from the mind. These two …show more content…

It proposes that individuals commit a criminal act only if they believe this act will be of benefit to them (Higgins, 2007). Committing a crime, therefore, involve a rational individual making a decision on whether to commit a crime, or not based on available information, on the possible cost, and benefits of committing a crime. The costs of committing a crime may include pain, fines, and jail term, while the benefit may involve financial gain, pleasure, or elevation of one’s social status. This theory also believes that causes of crime are dependent on the environment/context rather than the

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