Social Class In La Haine And The Angel Esmeralda

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Social Class has an impact in Vinz, Hubert and Said from the movie La Haine and Gracie’s from the reading “The Angel Esmeralda” life’s. Also the movie and the reading shows how dissimilar each character’s priority is and how they react to the fight of social class that’s trying to push back by discriminating where they live, how they behave and how they dress. Societies have different social classes that only seem to alter the life of people who are at the bottom of social class while the ones at the top only seem to feel revulsion or attraction towards people at the bottom of the social class structure. Social class is a structure that divides people based on their social, network or economic status since the moment they are born. A person who has a really high revenue will be classified as an upper class individual and will get life perks that can aid them through the course of their life while someone who’s classified as low-class individual will have to go through obstacles to get to the same position as the high-class individual. One of these perks can be a better networking which can help in finding a better …show more content…

For an individual to acquire high-class status needs to go through challenges that require a strong set of mind and this set of mind can be afflicted by an action or events. Someone who lives in the ghetto like Vinz, Hubert, Said and Gracie are more prone on making bad decisions based on their life experiences. What somebody goes through alters someone’s decision making. A person who has had childhood dilemmas will be more expected to make mistakes because this person will make decisions based on how his/her parents made dictions or how has making similar decisions wind up. While a person who haven’t had childhood complications will more capable on making the right decision because there’s more space to think on the action rather than comparing it with similar

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