Social Anxiety Disorder (GSAD)

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Social Anxiety disorder (GSAD) as defined by Chandra Sripada is apprehension and irrational fear in social situations. This results in avoidance of social interactions that can cause lack of social skills along with other mental issues. Many people are unaware that they have GSAD. They resort their feelings and nervous to simply being nervous, stressed or feeling ill. First hand reports from the National Institute of Mental Health show how close to an illness that GSAD can feel. One person reported that “[They] would feel sick in [their] stomach”. While feeling sick is only one way the social anxiety manifests itself one diagnosed person said that “[They] would get this feeling of being removed from myself and from everybody else”. Another …show more content…

The most common role model of someone’s life being parents. There are many different styles of parenting they including authoritarian, authoritative and permissive. Authoritarian parenting forces children to follow strict rules and manifest blind submission. They are often overprotective and discourage pro-social activity. Many, not all, value strict discipline and may be physically or verbally abusive. While their children are often good in education the have low social activity. This includes lack of confidence, manifestation of sadness and anxiety. Authoritative parenting, while being demanding like authoritarian parenting are also responsive and understanding. Their children have freedom and independence while having rules and regulations. These children are more socially capable and tend to be confident. The third type of parenting is permissive, these parents are encouraging and are more of a friend than a parent. These children are confident and challenging. The final type of parenting is uninvolved parenting, these parents are neglectful and unresponsive, they demand nothing of their children. The parents are not involved in their children's lives or develop. Because of this parents are not supportive, emotionally attached and give little value to their children's opinions or thoughts. The parents only supply basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. These children tend to be secluded …show more content…

Social anxiety at first can feel just like the flu. These physical factors symptoms include fast heartbeat, nausea, trouble catching your breath, dizziness, confusion or feeling "out of body", Diarrhea, and muscle tension(Symptoms Emotional and behavioral symptoms include fear of situations where you may be judged, concerned of offending someone, intense fear of talking to strangers, trembling and shaking voice, have anxiety in anticipation of a social activity or event days or weeks ahead and always thinking of the worst possible outcome of social interactions. In children social anxiety may be shown in crying, temper tantrums or refusing to speak. (Symptoms Also avoiding normal social interactions like making eye contact, initiating conversation and attending social gatherings are key symptoms of social anxiety. These symptoms can change over time and also increase at certain times due to stress or demands. Anxiety can persist over long periods of time if going untreated, and doctors recommend that after six months of symptoms you seek professional help or treatment. Especially if these symptoms are disturbing your daily

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