Section A: It is known as ancient because it has been mined for more than 6,000 years. There isn’t really a person that discovered the element of lead. Small lead pieces can be found in Colombian Peru, Yucatan, and Guatemala. The Greeks mined lead on a large scale from 650 and onwards. They knew not only how to obtain the metal but, how to convert it to white lead. The Greeks started the base of lead paints, which continued until the middle of the last century. The Romans also knew how to mine it. The mined in Spain and Britain. They used the leads features to making water pipes, coffins, and tableware. It ended up reappearing in the medieval times, which allowed them to find new uses such as, pottery glazes, bullets, and printing tables. Lately, it has been used as fuel additives. …show more content…
It has an atomic mass of 207.2, It has 82 protons and 126 neutrons. Lead has 82 Electrons and 4 valence electrons, with isotopes of 13. The conductivity is infinite or it’s equivalently is resistivity is zero. The melting point is 327.462 degrees Celsius (621.432 degrees Fahrenheit) The boiling point is 1749 degrees Celsius ( 3180 degrees Fahrenheit). This element is easily worked meaning that it can be made into many different things like roofing, architecture, and stained glass windows.Lead is a highly toxic metal, found in the Earth's crust. Lead is soft, ductile, dense, and a highly malleable metal with a dull silvery-grey color. Leads electrical conductivity is 4,7 and it has an electrical resistivity of 21,3. It is very resistant to corrosion. Lead isotopes are the end products of naturally occurring radioactive elements. Lead is the worst conductor of
The purpose of this experiment is to use our knowledge from previous experiments to determine the theoretical, actual, and percent yields of the lead chromate from the reaction of solutions of potassium chromate and lead nitrate (Lab Guide pg. 83).
Wagner, H. M. Recent Trends In Human Lead Exposure. New Horizons in Biological Dosimetry, 1991, pp. 179-186.
Question: In considering the monetary estimates of childhood lead poisoning prevention, list and note the relative importance of the categories of costs and benefits that need to be considered is projecting a cost/benefit ratio. Use a standard housing remediation approach for those expenses. Where does the balance lay? What are the options and barriers to moving it forward?General Effects of Childhood Lead Poisoning When lead in inhaled it, the lead could be deposited in the bones where some essential body function occurs e.g. blood formations, calcium absorption. Lead is also transported in blood stream and deposited in muscle and nerves and blood vessels. The deposition of lead in these organs systems eventually results in the malfunctioning of these organs. These malfunctions could include decrease in bone and muscle growth/co-ordination, damage to the nervous system and other organs of the body. (KidsHealth, 1995-2010) The above mentioned effects could also impair breakdown and use of nutrients by the body, decreased hearing ability. In addition, it affects child growth, in the sense that it has been shown that children with higher blood lead levels may on average be shorter than their genetic potential by 1cm.Effect of Lead on cognition and Behavior of Children: Lead poisoning have been identified as one of the factors responsible for cognitive deficits and mental illness among children. There has been shown a correlation between Blood Lead Level and cognitive functioning in children and infant (Bruce P. Lanphear, 2005). Bruce P et al in a study of Low-level environmental lead exposure and children's intellectual function, showed an inverse relationship between blood lead concentrations and IQ score...
The Bronze Age is a period that lasted roughly two thousand years, approximately 3200 BC-1200 BC. It was a highly prosperous and competitive period in which pottery was significant, along with the use of metal and bronze for tool making and weaponry. This was a time of flourishing economic, social, and cultural organizations. There are many scenes from Homer’s epic poem The Iliad that were depicted on specific pieces of Bronze Age artwork such as: pottery, coins, and tools.
Huddie William Ledbetter also known as "Leadbelly" was an American folk singer and blues musical, most famous for his strong prominent vocals and his ability to play thetwelve-string guitar. Leadbellys astounding ability to play the guitar combined with his personal life experiences provided the foundation for his musical career. He also wrote about mainstream culture and black culture in general to express feelings of anger, sadness, and expose the wrongdoings of American society against blacks.
Lead toxicity has been an area of unending research in recent years. There have been positive and negative correlation’s relating its toxic effects to both child developmental deficiencies and adult regression problems. This review will focus on the problems associated with the children. It will discuss various routes of entry of lead into the child’s system, both prenatally and postnatally, the mechanisms employed by lead to cause the dysfunction’s, and some of the neurological deficits believed to be caused by the lead exposure.
Arsenic has been one of the elements most mentioned during the middle and even modern age. It was formerly known by Chinese, Romans, Greeks and even earlier, by the Babylonians. The Greeks used the arsenic oxide (III) as a depilatory, and 4,000 years before the Christian era, arsenic was involved in the development of early bronzes. However, the arsenic was released in early civilizations through compounds or substances containing the element, which by its color and appearance would favor the conversion of base metals into gold. It was also used by the alchemists in the method of making the pill of immortality. In the philosophy of alchemy, arsenic represents the masculine principle. The masculinity of arsenic was different, because it combined with an element that was considered as masculine such as sulfur, forming orpiment and realgar.
Bismuth is the eighty-third element on the periodic table. It was first discovered in the Middle Ages, and was initially believed to be simply a development of lead, but was later discovered to be an individual, unique element, by a metallurgist named Georgius Agricola in the 16th century (“Metals.” 158). Bismuth is a member of the heavy metal family, and is the heaviest of all the heavy metals, as well as being the only non-toxic member of its family (Banks 122).It is a shiny, silvery, white metal with a pink tint to it, and is extremely brittle in its solid form. Bismuth also expands as it solidifies, a property that is quite uncommon with most elements. Bismuth will begin to combine with oxygen at room temperature, and bismuth will
Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Because it is so common, iron has been used by human society for thousands of years. Iron was known and used for weapons in prehistoric ages, the earliest example still in existence; a group of rusty iron beads found in Egypt, dates from about 4000BC. This period in history was given the name Iron Age because it was the time when people found ways to get iron and to use it for building tools and weapons.
Lead is a lustrous, silvery metal that tarnishes in the presence of air and becomes a dull bluish gray. Soft and flexible, it has a low melting point (327 °C). Its chemical symbol, Pb, is from plumbum, the Latin word for waterworks, because of lead's extensive use in ancient water pipes. Itsatomic number is 82; its atomic weight is 207.19.
The Periodic Table of Elements is commonly used today when studying elements. This table’s history begins in ancient times when Greek scientists first started discovering different elements. Over the years, many different forms of the periodic table have been made which set the basis for the modern table we use today. This table includes over 100 elements and are arranged by groups and periods. Groups being vertical columns and periods being horizontal columns. With all of the research conducted over the years and the organization of this table, it is easy to use when needed.
The history and the existence of the Old Stone Age, or the Paleolithic era, has an undeniably large effect on our society today. Living in the harsh environment of the world without the technological advancements seems hard enough, but surviving without the elements for living prepared for them is even more difficult. With all the common behaviors that were translated to our everyday life, healthy diets that prevent humans from disastrous results, new innovations that remained useful to us today, and surviving skills that were passed down from generation to generation, our whole society owes everything to those of the Paleolithic era. Without them, there would be no “us” today to walk the earth as a prosperous species.
According to The Society for American Archaeology, the definition of Archaeology is, “to obtain a chronology of the past, a sequence of events and dates that, in a sense, is a backward extension of history.” The study of ancient civilizations and archaeology is rather ambiguous due to the primitive nature of the time period. With little imagery and even less textual evidence, professionals in the field must work diligently when studying their subjects. Naturally, archaeologists cannot see or communicate with those whom they are studying, so they must be extraordinarily meticulous when analyzing past cultures. This relates to all aspects of the ancient world including; foods, raw materials, artifacts, agriculture, art work and pottery. All of these elements can collectively provide new and innovative information to curious archaeologists who may wish to gain a better understanding of those who came before us. This information is equally beneficial for both historians and archaeologists who plan to compare the histories of societies from all around the world. In the world of archaeology, archaeologists strive to better explain human behavior by analyzing our past. Therefore, the study of archaeology is a key element in understanding a time before our own.