Single Man Movie Analysis

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Most of you out there have jobs. But have you ever stop to think that what if someone in your job was gay? Have you also stop to think that these gay guys have a normal life like you? Well our story of Single Man begins when America was dealing with the Cuban missile crisis of October 1962. During this time our nation seemed to be on the edge of destruction, but before the sexual revolutions of the 1960’s. Gay activity was illegal. Gay men were put in prison for consensual sex with another man. Our story begins with a British man in his late 50s. He lives in California and works at a university as a teacher. During this time-frame people didn't know who was gay and who wasn't. This guy was very plane and very simple. Here we have an example that this guy can be considered normal just like you. Our movie starts where the main character George got a phone call, and they tell him his lover died. They been together for about 13 years and his lover's family does not want him to go to the funeral. George is sad and he is scared in telling his students the fact that he is gay. Because o...

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