Singing In The Rain Essay

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The second chapter of Steven Cohen’s Hollywood Musicals, The Film Reader explains that “The myth of entertainment can be subdivided into three categories: the myth of spontaneity, the myth of integration, and the myth of the audience…. the myth makes its impact through combination and repetition. Thus a single musical number can be highly overdetermined and maybe discussed under all three categories.” (36) Going off of this explanation, then discussing the legitimacy of MGM’s Singing in the Rain as a back stage musical should depend on which of these three myths the film combines or repeats. This essay proposes that Singing in the Rain, based on the film’s proficiency with the second of the three: the myth of integration, rightfully deserves …show more content…

But what about scene outside of the numbers since the backstage musical is much more than onstage performances? I agree with Feuer when she answers that the spectator should now identify with the performer protagonist. This is where things become a bit complicated; because the traditional Hollywood narrative has to be seen from a position outside of the narrative, the non-diegetic audience is reverted back into their impersonal third person view, sharing it however with the protagonists. Convinced to identify with diegetic audience during the musical interludes and the performers with the narrative interludes the non-diegetic audience is encouraged to become very different types of identification with varying degrees of closeness. The Good Morning number and the scene just right before that number come to mind. We’re in the perspective of Don, Kathy, and Cosmo trying to figure out a way to save their hides and then just as they got it the non-diegetic audience is thrust into the view of spectator as all three dance around the house. While believed to be a rather confounding experience Feuer assures that it if fine for the non-diegetic audience to feel this split in identification “without ever experiencing this…as disconcerting.” (29) It is through this dual register that the audience is able to feel a sense of participation in the creation of entertainment by sharing the perspective of the performer and from feeling like part of a live theatre

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