Similarities of Mccandless and Emerson

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Ralph Waldo Emerson is known as the father of transcendentalism. Chris Mccandless, the protagonist of Into the Wild is known as one of major followers of transcendentalism. Chris and Emerson have many similarities. Both of their beliefs, and actions just shows how similar they are. It also shows in Emerson, and Chris’s writings that they are alike.Chris Mccandless and Ralph Waldo Emerson are similar in the way they see the importance of nature, how they tried to seek, to find their identity, and their views on independence.

Chris Mccandless and Ralph Waldo Emerson believed in the five I’s of transcendentalism. They both used all five I’s of transcendentalism in their life adventures. The first I of transcendentalism is believed to be the most important to Chris Mccandless and Ralph Waldo Emerson, individualism. Chris and Ralph considered themselves as individuals. Chris Mccandless knew he didn’t need his family to live. He didn’t think he needed the basic needs of society at all. Chris also didn’t like being around people for a long period of time, thats what led him to take off on journeys.Chris believing he was an individual led to his journey to Alaska. Emerson’s individualism led him to figure out he was a poet. He was also known as champion of individualism. The next I, is intuition, believed to be important by Emerson. I don’t feel Chris had any intuitions, however Emerson claims that intuition is the primary wisdom of life. The third I of transcendentalism is, imagination. On Chris’s journey to Alaska he used his imagination to get through it. He had to make up ways to get food. Emerson used imagination in his writings and speeches. The last two of the five I’s are idealism and inspiration. Chris used idealism and inspi...

... middle of paper ... parents, or materialistic items. Seeking for his independence is what led Chris to his adventure to Alaska. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote “Self- Reliance”, an essay that stated how he believed how people should be self reliant. It also stated the steps to becoming independent. In his essay, he states, “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” (Emerson). Emerson also believes in non-conformists, and states that all men should become nonconformists.”Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.” (Emerson).

Chris Mccandless and Ralph Waldo Emerson are true followers of transcendentalism. They include all of the concepts in their lives every day. They both are certain, that they must use all of concepts. Including the five I’s of transcendentalism, the way they see nature, how they tried to seek, to find their identity, and lastly their independence.

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