Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And Willy Loman

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Willy’s obsession with the past leads to his downfall. Willy is a very fascinating and complex character, a character that throughout the whole play is in the past; even tries to pull the audience into the past as well. Willys’ character is one that many times thinks of himself living in the past; remembers events as if they happened yesterday. By these actions Willy often times finds himself getting the past and present confused. The reader is able to catch a light of this through the transitions that Willy will make from one moment to the next. This happen a couple of times with Willy referring and looking back on the Ebbets Field Willy will even transition from one moment in the past to another moment in the past, and example of this is …show more content…

In the case of Willy Loman, he has affected quite a handful of people. Biff is one of them. Willy, toward the middle of the play, during a conversation that he has with Bernard, brought up what happened to Biff. Prior to what happened, Biff was going to be going to summer school to then be able to get into college, but after this incident, he made nothing of himself. Bernard always “thought so well of Biff, even though Biff always had taken advantage of him.” After Biff returned home after visiting Willy, Bernard has “often thought of how strange it was that he knew Biff given up his life” (Miller 94). Bernard wanted to know what had happened, from that point forward Willy was drawn back to the past “the year of the Ebbets Field game, the high point of Biff’s life as a football hero, followed rapidly by his discovery of his father with the Woman in Boston, his failure to complete credits for graduation, and the beginning of his long slide into failure” (Hurt 135). These events end up ruining Biff and Willy’s relationship for some good amount of time. These are events that both Biff and Willy often think about, even though it is in the past. Another example of the effects that the past had is that whenever Linda is mending her broken stockings and Willy happens to see Linda doing this, he is reminded of the past of The Woman, and he …show more content…

One can make the argument and case that if it was not for Gatsby’s fascination with the past with Daisy and wanting so much of her, which is something that Nick advised Gatsby not to continue with (as stated earlier), then Gatsby would not have pressured Daisy. This would, in turn, have not made Tom become curious in this Gatsby person, whom which he hires a private investigator to figure out who Gatsby is; really is. Tom would have never have hired a privet investigator if the “relationship” between Daisy and Gatsby never existed, once Tom and Daisy became married. One could also argue that Tom never confronts Daisy directly about her and Gatsby alone, because he is afraid that she might know and expose him and his mistress, Mertil. If not for Tom investigating, there would have never been a confrontation of Gatsby and Tom, which would have meant that they would not have gone on that drive, after the confrontation, and switched cars. This would mean that Myrtle would have never seen the car, and would have never run out to try to speak with who she thought was Tom; hence Myrtle would still be alive. If nothing ever happens to Mertil, then her husband Wilson would have never had the greed on Gatsby, and try to get revenge on Gatsby for Myrtles’ life, hence would have never perused Gatsby. I would have also meant that Wilson and Myrtle would have left to go out west, to get out of the city and to

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