Similarities Between French Revolution And American Revolutions

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The French Revolution compares to the Haitian and American Revolutions by having similar phases throughout. All seemingly influenced by Enlightenment ideas, went on a different route to completion. Each revolution achieved a varied degree of their goals they sought out with in the establishment of their revolution. The length of these revolutions also varied. These revolutions all had people who stood behind them or against them. According to Crane Brinton, the French, Russian, British, and American Revolutions all went through similar stages (Cox 398). The first stage was citizens become dissatisfied with government. The second stage was Moderates gain more power. The fourth stage was there is a calm and acceptance, which he called the “Thermidorean …show more content…

The American Revolution adopted ideas from thinkers, like John Locke and his idea of unalienable rights, Montesquieu and his idea of separation of powers (Cox 399). These ideas were adapted into the American documents the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. In France, they were built on ideas of liberté, égalité, et fraternité. Though France underwent many constitution and government changes in their revolution. Ideas from John Locke were also adapted into the philosphes in France (Bristow). Although the Haitian Revolution was not directly modeled after any one specific thinker, like the other two revolutions, there is some hints to Locke’s idea of the right to overthrow an unfair government. Generally, all three revolutions have some sort of Locke idea put in place in them but the revolutions are all structured differently using this Locke …show more content…

For example, in the American Revolution, the goal of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonies wanted out of the harsh rule from the British crown. They achieved this goal and, ultimately, established the United States of America. In the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror took place in France over a span of less than a year. The goal of this was to protect the land from foreign invaders and rid the country of enemies of the Republic. However crazy this goal may have been, it was somewhat achieved. They purged the people that they deemed enemies—more who Robespierre deemed enemies, but he did lead the Reign of Terror. This ended up in shambles compared to the American Revolution’s goal of the Declaration of Independence. In the Haitian Revolution, the Slave Rebellion of 1791 had a goal of the slaves being represented or noticed as more than just bottom level workers who have no say in anything. Overall, the slaves did end up getting set free when Haiti declared independence and declared being an actual country. The Haitian Revolution did achieve their goal. This is unlike the French but like the

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