Similarities Between Colonial America And The Enlightenment

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The enlightenment was crucial in determining many aspects of Colonial America, especially in terms of politics, government, personal beliefs, and religion. Without the core ideas of the enlightenment thinkers, which include America’s founding fathers, America would lack the basis for creating stepping stones for a strong, United Nation such as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Without the central ideas and figures of the enlightenment, the United States would be drastically different since these concepts shaped the country. One man who played a significant role in the Enlightenment and in Colonial America was John Locke. He was an English philosopher who openly disagreed with the King’s idea that God chooses the rulers, and by challenging the King’s authority the people were challenging God. He believed that all people had natural right at birth. These rights are known to America today as life, liberty, and property. They were instilled in the Declaration of Independence and became the foundation of America’s political system. Another key figure from the Enlightenment was Benjamin Franklin. He was an author, printer, scientist, and statesman who guided America through a convulsive period of colonial disagreements, war, and its founding as a nation. Franklin was a strong advocate of religious liberty. He was also …show more content…

Enlightenment philosophy strongly influenced his ideas and beliefs; two of the most prominent being his view on African slavery and American freedom. He accused King George III of imposing illegal control over Virginia’s political decisions, including its desire to restrict or outlaw slavery. By doing this he was able to open the colonists’ eyes and bring about a rationale for slavery. Although this idea did not become completely relevant until after the Declaration of Independence, it sparked a major event in American History and shaped America’s social

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