Similarities And Differences Between Nora Helmer And Nils Krogstad

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Many times, an antagonist is someone who has completely different views from the protagonist, which cause the friction and conflict between them. Other times, however, the two are more similar than they initially appear. One such case is that of Nora Helmer and Nils Krogstad. Initially portrayed as a social deviant, Krogstad seems to stand in the way of Nora’s perfect life. However, once the similarities between the two are seen by both her and her husband, she realizes that she too will be shunned as Krogstad is, making her look at society’s conventions in a different light. In Henrik Ipsen’s A Doll’s House, Nils Krogstad is compared to Nora Helmer in their attitudes and actions so that Nora can realize the toxicity of her marriage in order …show more content…

His appearance in the story proves to be the catalyst forcing Nora to examine how happy she is hiding secrets from her husband for fear that he would not love her if he finds out. Because both are the lone ones in A Doll’s House who see every case about morality situationally, they starkly see how those who do not conform to society’s conventions are greatly ostracized. Krogstad has even experienced this isolation when he is shunned from his work place despite being fairly competent at his tasks. This unfair treatment lingers in Nora’s mind as she struggles with her own worries. To aid her toward the direction of self-honesty, Krogstad and Christine decide that the truth of Nora’s actions must be revealed since they have just finished their talk about their feelings and pasts. Ultimately, Nora realizes that no matter her efforts, she is fake for constantly trying to be someone she is not without finding who she really is. She sees that Torvald treats her horribly like how he treats Krogstad because both committed a similar crime, and she decides that if Torvald acts the same way to her as to a coworker for the sake of appearances, she is like a stranger to him. The two must separate to reflect in order to live a life without deceit, even if it means breaking this perfect doll-house life Nora has meticulously crafted for the past eight

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