Silent Planet Symbolism

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History is flush with examples of men who not only avoided evil, but did good; there are no famous examples of men who simply avoided the evil. The latter men will not try to do evil things, or great things, they won’t kill or save, they won’t try to please the Devil or give glory to God. Often this type inaction will be a worse sin that acting with sinful intent. “Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.” Being virtuous requires striving for moral excellence and a desire to be Christ-like, as Christ is the most virtuous man to ever live. Thus the definition for virtue is two-fold, requiring an avoidance of doing evil, and a dedication to doing good. The Character Ransom in “Out of the Silent Planet” has the first quality, but struggles with …show more content…

S. Lewis, which means it’s a metaphor. The spirit in charge of the planet Malacandra (Oyarsa), represents a Christ-like figure. As Ransom’s character develops, we watch him put more and more faith in Oyarsa. When Ransom’s unfamiliar with Oyarsa, he thinks of him a fictional god, then, when the eldila (an angel- like spirit) appears to him, as a monster worshiped by foolish primitives, and finally, once he meets Oyarsa, as a God worthy of trust. Ransom develops from a “bent” distrustful and superior man into a trusting and humbled one during his time on Malacandra. By the end of the book, he has been taught the virtue of …show more content…

“Faith and hope cannot be separated. Genuine faith in Christ implies a firm confidence that our future is secure (Heb. 11:1, Romans 15:13). This essential oneness of faith and hope helps us grasp why faith always “works through love.” (Pastor John Piper, Ransom, in his first encounters with them, distrusts the Hrossa and Sorns, suspecting their intentions. Later, he realized that their only intent was to show him brotherly love. Through this he realized that the nature of humans was bent, and that in a world untouched by Satan, or “the bent one”, people would always greet each other with brotherly love. Before his time on Malacandra, Ransom had love, but he grew in understanding on Malacandra. Before, he was willing to help the boy that Weston and Devine were trying to abduct. Later, it’s talked about that man loves humanity, and it’s agreed that most humans share this love. But it’s seen through all of Ransom’s interactions with the Malacandrians that humanity is lacking in brotherly love. Ransom, by the end of the book, is a virtuous man. He grew much during his time on Malacandra, gaining faith, hope, and a greater understanding of love through Oyarsa. He not only avoids evil, but seeks good, and seeks to share that good with others, shown in his writing of the book. “Out of the Silent Planet” emphasizes the fallenness of man, and shows a glimpse of what we would be without the fall. It offers

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