Sikhism and Catholicism: Origins, Development and Modernism

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Sikhism and Christianity are two very popular religions in the world today that are practiced by millions. They each have their own origins, beliefs and practices that are custom to their own religions, and some that are shared by other religions. Each religion founded by different people, Guru Nanak for Sikhism, and Jesus for Christianity, had their own upbringings, beliefs, and legacies that they left behind. Though the lives and teachings of Jesus and Guru Nanak may seem different at first though when the early lives, teachings & late lives and religions today are looked at closer, they start to resemble each other.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem just before the year 4 B.C in the small town of Bethlehem as a Jew. The area Bethlehem was located in was called Judea. Jesus was born to a virgin mother named Mary and was proclaimed by angels to be a savior for all people. At this time though, the king ordered all male toddlers to be killed so Jesus and his family fled to Egypt. Guru Nanak was born in Talwandi in the year 1469 as a Hindu. A holy man or Pandit was present at his birth and said he saw greatness in Nanak and that he would teach about a single god. Throughout his teens, Nanak was not happy about the current ranking of Hindus, the CASTE system. Nanak was married at the age of 19 and ended up having two sons. Nanak was also offered a high paying job in the nearby city but turned it down as he had no interest in worldly pursuits. The teen years of Jesus and Nanak may not have had a close resemblance, their births did. They were both told that they would do something great for the people of the area that they were born in, and they were both told that they would end up being people with great power later in life.
At the age of ...

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...ith only 30 million followers mostly in the Punjab (India & Pakistan) area, though Sikhs are found around the world. Sikhs believe in one god and consider spiritual and secular life to be interconnected. Both Catholics and Sikhs only believe in one god, though have different beliefs in that one god.
Christianity and Sikhism are two completely different religions with their own set of beliefs, though when looked at closer, share many similarities. Catholics and Sikhs only believe in one god, have creators who at birth were told they would do great things, had events at the age of 30 that put the ideas of their religions in motion, and both had followings who eventually took over and made the religions what they are today. Even though these religions have a large gap in time between them of when they were founded, they both share a common founding and similar beliefs.

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