Significance Of The Color Green In The Great Gatsby

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Why is affluence so significant in Modern America? It was not always this way. For hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies, personal properties were insignificant or even disadvantageous, but for the sake of development and standards of living, this had to change. As wealth gained in societal value, people also lived better, longer lives, but at a certain point, it began to manipulate the society around it. Some may argue that this occurred around the 1920’s in America. The changes at this time were monumental. People were moving to cities in large numbers, men and women alike adopted the party lifestyle due to dramatic social change, and the economy was booming. They were called “the roaring 20’s” for a reason. The large economy enabled …show more content…

He does this by comparing Gatsby to Dutch colonists. This is because green is a representation for what both Gatsby and the Dutch colonists in the 1610’s want most in their lives. In the fifth chapter, Fitzgerald develops this symbolism when he writes, “‘You [Daisy] always have a green light that burns at the end of your dock.’ Daisy put her arm through his [Gatsby’s] abruptly… Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever” (92-93). Within this, Fitzgerald is arguing that the green light represents what Gatsby desires most, Daisy, and now that Gatsby has Daisy’s love once again, the green light has lost meaning. Although Gatsby had a significant dream, he put little effort into achieving it. He fought his way to wealth lazily through illegal actions, and later in life, he attempted to achieve his dream (Daisy’s love) through frivolous spending and flamboyant parties, which went unnoticed by Daisy for many years until she was directly invited to one. As for the Dutch, green represents New York’s untouched land, and a new beginning. This is proven when Fitzgerald writes, “the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors eyes-- a fresh, green breast of the new world” (180). This refers to the fact that the land of New York was discovered and colonized by the Dutch, who spent several hard months at sea and built a society from nothing with only hard labour. This discovery occurred in New York in 1615, and the Dutch created New Amsterdam. It was not easy, as their dream was achieved through tireless work and pure desire for success, which was once synonymous with the American Dream, a major moral code for the United States. This is significant because it shows a harsh difference between Modern and pre-Modern American

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