Signature Themes Of Self-Of-The-Therapist

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Self-of-the-therapist Signature Theme and Underlying Cores Throughout this MFT program and now reading Aponte and Kissil article, “If I can grapple with this I can truly be of use in the therapy room, I have been able to identify and learn about self-of-the-therapist in great depth. In this paper I will identify a signature theme, underlying core and describe how my signature theme played out in session with a client. I will use a social contructionist lens to identify and describe these concepts of self-of-the-therapist in order to share how this signature theme informs my life and world views. Family History On Signature Theme As a hispanic women growing up in a collectivistic culture, loyalty and trust were highly embedded in me. In …show more content…

The first time I was presented with loyalty and trust self-of-the-therapist issues was when M. E. asked his mother for help; his mother said he would outgrow his symptoms and his symptoms were not a big deal. At that moment I thought to myself how can mom not be there for her son, he is asking for help, he should be able to count on her. However after hearing myself, I tried to look at the situation from a different lens (the client’s mother brought the client to therapy to get help and hypothesizing that his mother was trying to protect her son or was not educated in OCD and psychosis) this allowed me to empathize with the client’s mother and maintain a neutral …show more content…

It was not easy hearing someone accuse you of something out of your character. At that moment so many things passed through my head and all I could think about was my client, M. E. I never said or thought that this client was a monster on the contrary, I believed this client had a lot of potential, smart and a very nice client who was going to a difficult time and needed help. Again the underlying core at that moment was feeling helpless due to the fact that this client was not able to see another perspective or ready to be open to another understanding. There was no males in filing this DCF report; I did what was best for my client. Again what allowed me to not blow up at the client’s mother and not try and force my point of view on to her was trying to understand her side. The client’s mother was angry, but more than her anger I noticed that her eyes had teared up a bit and I saw fear. I hypothesized the client’s mother was fearful perhaps of losing her son. I also told myself no the client is back getting medication from the psychiatrist and was referred to another therapist to help

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