Sierra Leone Civil War Essay

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Sierra Leone Sierra Leone, located on the west coast of the African continent is a young nation, having acquired independence in 1961 recently emerged from a decade long civil war in 2002 (BBC, 2015). The nation is bordered by Guinea, Liberia, and the Atlantic Ocean, a tropical climate harboring diverse rainforests. Sierra Leone’s largest city, Freetown, also the nation’s capital and political and economic center is populated by approximately 700,000 inhabitants, over the estimated national population of just over 6 million people. Sierra Leone is divided into sixteen ethnic groups, however, the nation is predominately Muslim. Religious violence is quite rare, however animosity sparked the civil war through government corruption and economic strife established …show more content…

- Vaccination campaigns have been advocated for in Pakistan by NGOs, by establishing transit vaccination points. The government has reached an estimated 300,000 children in the last two years (IMB, 2014). • Suggested Policies and Programmes - Despite vaccination coverage, Pakistan has experienced a declined in vaccinated children and prevelance of polio virus among vaccinated populations. Therefore, there is much needed education for the prevention of polio.repetition - Adequate sewage systems can be established to manage future floods and monsoons which provide environments to polio transmission. - Vaccination and survellience points supervised by military forces on nation borders to decrease the spread of polio virus across borders. - Mirroring extensive vaccination coverage by its neighbouring nations can assist in the decline of cases per year. Response to Cholera • Current Policies and Programmes - Relief agencies such as WHO and UNICEF are cintinually providing aid and rescue for victims of flooded areas in

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