Siddhartha's Journey To Enlightenment In Siddhartha

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Hesse the author of siddhartha tells the story of Siddhartha's journey for enlightenment. After this journey Siddhartha finally realizes the true path to enlightenment. Siddhartha believes it is just a sense of mental preparedness. He developed and achieved this through his experiences as a semana, a businessman, and a ferryman with vasudeva.
His first experience on his journey was as a semana.”One goal was Siddhartha's and only one: to become empty, empty of thirst, empty of wishes, empty of dreams, empty of joy and sorrow,”(Hesse 7). He had to fast and give away his riches. He had to give away himself. What he learned here was self-sacrifice. He learned this by retention of breath, insensibility to hunger, and concentration.

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