Siddhartha Son

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In the chapter titled “The Son,” Siddhartha and his son deal with the aftermath of Kamala’s death. Siddhartha’s son is constantly sulking and has a defiant personality around his father as a result of his upbringing under a rich courtesan. Even after being constantly rejected and receiving advice from Vasudeva to let him go, Siddhartha still chooses to take care of his son with utmost love and compassion, and uses kindness, instead of violence, as a form of punishment. Consequently, the son’s distaste and hatred for his father continues to grow until he explodes in rage. Siddhartha tells his son to gather twigs but he openly defies his orders. The son replies angrily that he is not a servant, and that he would rather become a thief and go to …show more content…

He wonders why people who commit horrible sins such as theft and burglary are able to be loved be their children while he, a man who is able to achieve enlightenment, cannot have the satisfaction and fulfillment of having his child in his life. After his experiences with his son, Siddhartha learns to understand the mindsets of ordinary people, who blindly love their family members and form strong attachments with others and their possessions. He appreciates their tenacity and their livelihood, which he initially opposed when he was a young Samana, eager to meditate and fast to reach an awakening. When Siddhartha experiences the grief that comes with losing a loved one, he observes his reflection in the river, and suddenly notices his resemblance to his father. This shocking realization causes Siddhartha to wonder how his father felt when he left to become an ascetic seeking enlightenment, and if his father experienced the same amount of suffering that he did losing his son. In an effort to purge all of Siddhartha’s pain, Vasudeva teaches his pupil to listen closely to the river and find peace in its flowing water. Siddhartha discovers that the true path to enlightenment doesn’t require completely giving up one’s possessions and living in the wilderness, it requires finding harmony and serenity in the world and accepting your destiny. After Siddhartha achieves peace, Vasudeva says his

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