Siddharta's Journey to Self Enlightenment

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In Siddhartha written by Hermann Hesse the protagonist, Siddhartha, explores different beliefs in order to achieve enlightment with the hardships of losing himself along the way. Siddhartha’s journey for enlightment teaches him a great lesson of being able to identify who he is and discover his own beliefs in order to achieve enlightment. Siddhartha began his youth as a Brahman with potential to be one of the greatest in the community because of how simple it is for him to grasp certain concepts. Although he is destined for greatness by following his fathers’ footsteps he takes matters into his own hands by telling his father, “With your permission, my father. I came to tell you that it is my longing to leave your house tomorrow… My desire is to become a Samana.” (Hesse 9) Siddhartha observes how his journey to discover Enlightment as a Brahman is different that the Samanas and decides it is for the best for him to follow the path given by the Samanas. Siddhartha along with his friend, Govinda, are able to quickly understand the concepts that the Samana’s follow to discover Enlightment. After years of following the Samana lifestyle Siddhartha realized that he was never going to accomplish Enlightment so he made a decision to leave them and find the Gotama to understand how differently their theory of achieving Enlightment is. With the decision of leaving the Samanas’ they agreed to unite with the group taught by the Gotama and to observe their teaching methods in the search for Enlightment. As they observe the lifestyles shown by the Buddha Govinda becomes impressed but Siddhartha believes that he will not be able to achieve his spiritual goal if he were to stay with the Gotama. During his departure with Govinda ... ... middle of paper ... able to accomplish in the past. The year’s pass and Siddhartha has gone through hardships but all resulting in him becoming a ferryman. One day he is reunited with Govinda and he is in search of what Siddhartha has discovered. Siddhartha then explains to him, “Knowledge can be conveyed, but not wisdom. It can be found, it can be lived … but it cannot be expressed in words and taught.”(Hesse 102) He interprets that words cannot fully convey enlightment. Govinda then realizes that Siddhartha was able to discovery his happiness and able to achieve enlightment. As a final point, Siddharth had some positive and negative outcomes from his journey for the search of enlightment. In the end he was able to discover himself and successfully conquered his goal of accomplishing enlightment. Works Cited Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha, New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2003

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