Should Young People Be Allowed To Play Tackle Football

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Tackle football is a culturally significant and popular sport in America. Many young children feel compelled to mirror the game they see played on television. They are too young to realize the dangers of doing so, and thus it is our duty as a society to keep them from hurting themselves. Young people should not be allowed to play tackle football because it negatively impacts their cognitive development, and can cause a slew of other physical ailments. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, former NFL players who began playing tackle football before the age of 12 performed 20 percent worse on cognitive tests. By playing tackle football when under the age of 12, their ability to memorize, organize, and read were all impaired. The article quotes the Boston University Alzheimer Disease Center, which explained that the age of 12 is a landmark year for a male brain’s development. This is especially alarming given that according to the University of Colorado School of Medicine, 70 percent of all football players are under the age of 14, and that players between the ages 9-12 experience on average 240 head impacts per football …show more content…

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association provides statistics on youth sports, one of which being “There are three times as many catastrophic football injuries among high school athletes as college athletes.” Aside from long term effects, there are startling figures pertaining to short term head injuries, being that “15.8% of football players who sustain a concussion severe enough to cause loss of consciousness return to play the same day.”, and that “High school athletes who have been concussed are three times more likely to suffer another concussion in the same season.” Given how prevalent and severe these issues are, it is apparent how eminent this threat to children’s health this practice truly

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