Should We Go To War Research Paper

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Should we go to war with North Korea? Thats the big question. If you go around asking people that question “ should we go to war with North Korea? ” , you will either get a “yes” or a “no”. These answers are always based off of opinions. But, what's your opinion? If you want my opinion my opinion is No, we should not go to war with North Korea and here's my reason. War is always a topic on the human brain, but the last thing you want to do is got to war because war is only the last resort. The only reason to go to war is if the enemy is unpredictable and that's not the case here. North Korea has been threatening the U.S. for a long time now and they still have not done anything and there still not going to do anything. You might of heard that the U.S. and North Korea are working on a peace treaty right now so, what's the point of this entire essay. Your opinion doesn't matter, my opinion doesn't matter, but, lets pretend that there is no peace treaty and there's still this big debate on whether we should go to war with North Korea. …show more content…

The war would probably last 24 hours. So, why am i saying we shouldn't? Like i said war is only a last resort but war is also very expensive and we don't need any more debt. In washington's farewell address he stated that he believes the U.S. should stay neutral and not make any alliances with any other countries so if the there was a war going on we wouldn't be a target but During world war 2 we were not apart of it at the beginning but when the enemy bombed pearl harbor we got involved and kicked there butt. We did that because they really ticked us off and that's what happens when you screw with the U.S. But, the U.S. doesn't want to go to war because war is never a good thing because if someone says they want to go to war, they have never been to war

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