Should The Us Have Dropped The Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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In 1945 The United States of America was forced with a massive decision. Where they going to bomb Japan, or not? It was in the midst of World War II, and there was no sight of a surrender from Japan. The development of the bomb was a secret, and so was the destruction that it held. The controversial topic is one that will resonate throughout history. The question that will be answered throughout this essay is Should the United States Have Dropped the Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?. I believe that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were an important and a vital step in ending World War 2. During the war, Leslie Groves, a general, and an American scientist, J. Robert Oppenheimer, developed the atomic bomb. The project, code named the Manhattan project, was “the most ambitious scientific enterprise in history.” With over 600,000 people being a part of the “best-kept secret of the war,” few knew the ultimate purpose, those including then president, Harry S. Truman. The first test of the atomic bomb took place in July of 1945 in New Mexico. The “blinding flash” was visible from a staggering distance of 180 miles; the length of 2,640 football fields. A scientist on the …show more content…

During the time leading up to the bomb drop the U.S gave Japan chances to surrender before any action was taken. General Douglas MAcArthur believed that the bombs should be dropped, he amongst others advised Truman about a massive invasion plan by the Japanese that could result in over a million U.S casualties. Generals and other military personnel believed the atomic bomb would also end the war sooner. Harry S. Truman was now faced with possibly making the biggest decision in his life. Drop the atomic bomb on Japan, or have the possibility of a large on land invasion in the United States? On July 25, 1945, Truman ordered the military to take the final steps for dropping the bombs on the

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