Should The Holocaust Be Taught Essay

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The Holocaust was a substantial part in history. Many people debate on whether the Holocaust should be taught to eighth graders in middle school, or middle schoolers in general. Not all parents understand that kids are actually more engaged when learning about the holocaust. Thousands and thousands of people experienced the Holocaust and are not forgotten. We need to continue to tell on the treacherous events that happened to many people. Survivors are still alive to state what happened during this hard time, so why not learn about it. Kitty Hart-Moxon and Edith Goldberg all have something in common, they are survivors. They explain what happened to them and what they experienced with their own eyes, and if there is no one to hear about it …show more content…

First, is that students just might not be sophisticated enough to hear about some of the objects or periods of time. Not only does it go towards the complexity of students minds, but it also goes about how prepared they are to hear about some of the most spine-chilling events that occurred between 1933 and 1945. Correspondingly, hear about some of the most frightening concentration camps. Most importantly, parents are afraid their kids are going to start having bad ideas towards the lesson, and they don’t want their child to think evil. They are scared their kids are not going to have a heart broken reaction but instead have an evil reaction. Lastly, some parents have never even heard about the Holocaust, so they don’t want their child to learn about something that they have never heard about in their life time. It’s completely understandable because if you haven’t heard about a topic you wouldn’t want your child to learn about it if it was never talked about during your time of classes and school. Then again, that doesn’t go to all parents. Once more, about 50% of adults have never heard about the Holocaust but that doesn’t mean 25% doesn’t want their child to learn about

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