Billie Armstrong, a famous musician said, “School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect. Students should be required to stay in school until they turn eighteen because they need the necessary preparations for their future. Students will be able to make more money, they can receive a diploma and move on to college, but someone may also say that students may want to pursue a job before they turn 18. Average income is an important aspect to consider when thinking about dropping out of school.
Students will make more money if they stay in school and do not drop out. According to a recent study performed by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009, students who graduate high school and precede to go to college make $17,000-$27,000 more per year compared to high school dropouts(U.S. Board of Education). The U.S. Board of Education shows that students finishing high school receive significantly more pay than students who do not finish high school. In a WCSH interview Missy Remiss explains that, “Those without a high school diploma have
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13). One can infer that receiving a college degree can help someone become more successful in life by making more money in their job, or having more options of available jobs for someone to pursue. The WSCH interview states that, “Those without a high school diploma have lower earnings, higher unemployment, lower job satisfaction-they even have a higher likelihood of ending up in jail or on public assistance.One can see that a diploma can cause a person to feel greater satisfaction in their job and likely prevent someone from breaking the law or ending up in jail. On the contrary, one may debate that students should be allowed to pursue a job before they turn
"It's clear that a college degree long ago supplanted the highschool diploma as a minimum qualification for entry into the skill level market, and there is abundant evidence that people with a college degree earn more money than people without one" (Delbanco 506). In our economical system the presence of education is not only relevant but pertanent to being able to navigate through the systems put in place. It is hard enough for individual who do have some form of formal education to obtain employment because of the increasing competition in the job markets, let alone for a person who does not have any formal education. In the system that is in place, a person without a college degree is equivalent to the square peg in a round hole. The obtainment of a degree usually determines the difference between the individual's path to a job or a career. Certain
This article discusses the increase in students completing high school and going on to college some of whom obtain a degree while others do not. He also discusses the correlation between the amount of college education and unemployment. He concludes with statistics showing that a college education does pay off if the person has the academic capability to obtain a degree. This article will help me to show the benefits of college for certain people. It will allow me to show that a four year degree is not the best option for everyone.
College is the place where people go to retain the necessary training for a job that requires specific skills, which results in earning a higher pay check. In today’s world, employers are scouting out for individuals with the proper dexterities to fill the shoes for that specific job. Blanche D. Blank, the author of “A Question of Degree," argues that possessing a degree of higher education isn’t the only way to have a very successful life. This statement is highly argumentative, due to the fact that college graduates still out-earn people without degrees. Obtaining a college degree is one of the best things someone can do for themselves, when it comes to looking for a stable job. There is also so much more to college than just receiving a
In previous times it has been thought, by some, that with a college degree a person could have any job and would be very successful. In Colonial America, colleges were mainly founded by the wealthy. The goal of college at this time was to “produce Christian gentlemen who would inherit their family business” (Thelin). After a “college boom” so many state colleges were built and some became co-ed, adding “special” courses for women. The goal of college attendance still was not completion of a bachelor’s degree. College during this time was mainly primary learning so students could eventually move onto college-level higher learning. “Students sometimes took two years of courses in order to earn an LI (license of instruction) certificate to teach public school” (Geiger). Recently there has been debate over whether or not a college degree is really worth it anymore. Some people think getting an education isn’t worth the money. It can be argued that with a college degree you can get a better job. Going to college, seems to be the obvious next step for many high schoolers. Getting a college degree and education is worth it. Students will come to find that the benefits of having a degree outweigh the negatives. College helps prepare students for the future and exposes them to life experiences.
First, college degree graduates have better opportunities in finding a high wage job. “Graduates enjoy increased opportunities for employment at higher rates of pay, providing them with the wherewithal to pay off debt, if they are wise stewards of that debt.” (Smith, 29) People with college degrees have higher chances of being successful in the future because employers would rather employ those who holds a college degree. However, although there are some people who did not attend college find jobs that can help satisfy and support their lives, they cannot compare the earnings of college graduates who holds a degree. My cousin, holding a Bachelor’s degree of Business Management, graduated 5 years ago from College. At first, College education can guarantee the success of her goals, but because of her persistence, she is now a successful businesswoman. She has now a full-time job that can support her family and has already built her own home. With this means, having a college degree helps a person not only achieve their own goals but also being independent. “Realistically, having a college degree will likely mean a com...
Students should be required to stay in school until age 18. Staying in school longer allows for more time to earn enough credits to graduate. Experts say that having a high school diploma allows for better job opportunities and higher earnings. With a better job, there will be more job satisfaction. If the minimum age requirement for high school is 18 years, then there will be a lower dropout rate, higher average earnings, and higher job satisfaction.
How does dropping out of high school affects students’ lives in the future? Students’ dropping out has become a crisis, President Obama said, “It’s time for all of us to come together parents and students, principals, and teachers, business leaders and elected officials to end America’s dropout crisis” (“ President Obama”). There are 7 thousand students’ that drop out of high school that adds up to about 1.2 million each year, wouldn’t it be nice to drop that number and help kids stay in school instead of dropping out of high school(“ President Obama”). Students’ shouldn’t drop out of high school because they couldn’t go to college, couldn’t hold down a job, and would struggle making minimum wage for the rest of their life.
During high school, whether it is by a teacher, parent or classmate a student will be advised to go to college. “College is where you find yourself,” they will say. College is made to seem as the place where students will attain a brilliant education, thus making them feel as though once they are done with the schooling, a dependable job of high pay will appear for them. In our society, college is not a scarce option, but rather, an expectation. For many graduating high schoolers, college is the next step. Attaining a college degree is not necessary for creating a life for us as our civilization makes it out to be.
Figuring out if they should find jobs right out of high school or go to college first. Nevertheless, most people are sure that they want to have a better job. Not only one that will pay more, but one they are pleased with, and one that makes him/her happy. Today, practically 60 percent of all jobs in the United States require their employers to have a higher education. Jobs for individuals who only have a high school diploma are decreasing. A large majority of high school graduates work in some type of service industry. These individuals also work in low paying jobs with no position to advance. On the other hand, college graduates tend to have more skills that qualify them for a much larger range of employment opportunities. This makes it easier for them to move up in positions. According to Catherine Rampell, “there are more employed college graduates today than employed high school graduates and high school dropouts put together” (678). Thus, as the economy progresses over the years to come, college graduates will be better placed to find jobs that will offer a larger amount of pay. Therefore, earning a college degree will greatly enhance your marketability as a professional.
Obtaining a high school diploma is an important stride into adulthood for most. Despite this fact, “every year, over one point two million students drop out of high school in the United States.” Not having a high school diploma will make it harder for these teenagers later on in life. Many jobs require you to have a high school diploma or GED. Not having a high school diploma will increase the likely hood of students having legal troubles. Dropping out of high school is a life changing choice, and we have to question ourselves are these teenager mental equipped to make that decision? These are some of the reasons why I believe, teenagers should not be allowed to drop out of high school before the age of eighteen.
After finishing college you can be ahead of your colleagues. Your qualification will determine your position in the company you work in, also will increase your anual salary. “College graduates earn more, and are more likely to have a job in the first place” (Rotherham 79). Unemployment is a serious issue in the U.S. This topic is brought countless amount of times. Unemployment rates for people with college degrees are far less than a person with only a high school diploma. Also the chances of someone getting laid off is also far less likely versus someone with a high school diploma. In the article “Why college isnt for everyone” by Richard Vedder the author mentions “A person who compares the annual earning of college and high school graduates would no doubt conclude that higher education is a good investment” (Vedder
A college degree is one of the best educations that a person can get. It not only develops your mind, but it helps to develop you as a person as well. No matter what kind of degree you receive, whether it be a bachelors, associates, or masters you are more likely to get a better job than without it or with just a high school diploma. Workers with a college degree will earn much more and are much less likely to be unemployed than those with only a high school diploma. This paper will argue that with a college degree you are more likely to get a higher paying job than without a degree. I will support this argument with multiple scholarly articles and other valid sources to further convince you.
Having a college degree in today’s world is very important because more companies and businesses are requiring that anyone they hire has at least a two-year college degree, which is also known as an Associate 's degree. High school graduates and other people who have had thoughts about going to college should do so because it is getting harder for just a high school graduate to get a job, this is a result of hiring companies and businesses don’t want anyone without a college degree. Having a college degree will open more opportunities for the future. By doing so they further their lives and create a future that they want.
Imagine dropping out of school and soon your relationships with family, friends, and significant others start failing. What would you do? Many young Americans are dropping out of school, which causes many consequences in many aspects of their lives. Relationships of dropouts are ruined because they have limited education. High school dropouts have little to no luck finding a job. There are many advantages to raising the high school dropout age to 18. Dropping out of high school should be banned because it has many long-term consequences for individuals and society.
Education is a very powerful key to success in modern day American society. More often than not, a person will not be able to find a decent job unless they have graduated from a reputable college with a degree. Because of this change in society, it has brought a lot of pressure by parents for their child to graduate and get a degree. A lot of those who graduate with a degree are not always the best candidate for the job, and even with the degree, they are not even always guaranteed a job. But personally, getting an education shouldn’t be as big of a deal, as it is now. Back in the day, most people did not go to college, none the less graduated from high school; yet they still made it through and learned lots of things from their jobs that they acquired.