Should Students Be Required To Stay In School?

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Billie Armstrong, a famous musician said, “School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect. Students should be required to stay in school until they turn eighteen because they need the necessary preparations for their future. Students will be able to make more money, they can receive a diploma and move on to college, but someone may also say that students may want to pursue a job before they turn 18. Average income is an important aspect to consider when thinking about dropping out of school.
Students will make more money if they stay in school and do not drop out. According to a recent study performed by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009, students who graduate high school and precede to go to college make $17,000-$27,000 more per year compared to high school dropouts(U.S. Board of Education). The U.S. Board of Education shows that students finishing high school receive significantly more pay than students who do not finish high school. In a WCSH interview Missy Remiss explains that, “Those without a high school diploma have …show more content…

13). One can infer that receiving a college degree can help someone become more successful in life by making more money in their job, or having more options of available jobs for someone to pursue. The WSCH interview states that, “Those without a high school diploma have lower earnings, higher unemployment, lower job satisfaction-they even have a higher likelihood of ending up in jail or on public assistance.One can see that a diploma can cause a person to feel greater satisfaction in their job and likely prevent someone from breaking the law or ending up in jail. On the contrary, one may debate that students should be allowed to pursue a job before they turn

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