Have you ever thought about what it would be like to never have to do homework? Homework is harmful to students, and have a negative impact on their lives. To begin with, teachers are unprepared when assigning homework and often have no training, and homework can have a negative impact on students and their homes. Those are only a few reasons why homework is harmful. Many schools around the United States are taking the leap, and Byron Center could too.
My first reason why homework is harmful is because often teachers are not trained when assigning homework. Have you ever had a homework assignment that just makes no sense? The homework may have no benefit and purpose. According to Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering, teachers are not well trained in how to assign homework. Often teachers assign inappropriate homework that has no benefit. Last but not least, according to Gerald K. LeTendre, even though some schools
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Sometimes teachers assign homework that involves computers or other resources that some students don't have. According to the article, “Should Schools Be Done With Homework?” kids should not be unfairly penalized because they do not have the resources or support at home. Also, not all parents are prepared to assist students that need help with homework. This may cause a conflict were negative emotions are released. According to Johanna Sorrentino, homework can affect the relationships the student has with their parents. This can create a tense home, and have strain families. In my family, homework can be a stress too. My siblings always fight about homework with my parents. Lastly, students may spend hours studying. This causes sleep disruption that affects school and other activities. It is unfair for students to have a disadvantage and miss out on after school activities because of homework. Homework creates a negative home environment that is harmful for
Healthline.com has said that “Students in high achieving neighborhoods who spend too much time on homework have more health problems, stress, and alienation from society.” Being sick of school is one thing, but when school is making you sick because of the homework you have now is bad. Elementary kids having physical problems just from homework can eventually lead to other possible problems down the road. These problems include substance abuse, becoming a high school dropout, and possibly death by suicide. So why risk a student’s life for a few homework
Most people would say torture for children is illegal, yet homework is still being assigned today. Everyone can remember their high school and college years when many had to pull all-nighters studying and finishing that last project. However, to what purpose? How many people use Pythagorean Theorem every day? Alternatively, chemiosmosis? The assignments that teachers are giving to students for homework not only have no impact in students’ learning, it can harm them physically, mentally, and in their family life.
Homework is not necessary or beneficial to middle school students for three specific reasons: 1) it uses up time that should be spent with family, helping the community, playing sports, or just being a kid; 2) homework does not make or break a student's performance in school; 3) even though it is debatable that homework can improve academic achievement,
There should not be homework for students. For starters, homework pushes families further apart from each other. Secondly, homework causes kids to actually do worse on schoolwork and tests. Lastly, homework causes kids to get stressed out and depressed because they have to go home and do homework instead of have there own free time. Those are a few reasons why students should not have homework.
In conclusion, homework is a waste of time. Time that can be better spent is with family and having fun participating in extracurricular activities. Eliminating homework allows students the reward of free time and the invaluable time spent with family. Homework creates unnecessary stress and strain for parents and students alike. Also, homework allows teachers to pawn off their own teaching responsibilities to students and parents with hours of homework. Homework is not beneficial and it should be banned for students Kindergarten thru 8th grade.
and doesn’t improve learning. Homework gives kids unnecessary stress and makes them tired, which leads to lack of sleep. Teenagers who did not get enough sleep are more likely to develop insulin resistance , which is similar to type 2 diabetes. Things like anxiety,depression, and irritability are all associated with lack of sleep.
Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it’s practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid’s and teen’s frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework is a waste and kids and teens should choose whether they want to do their homework for extra credit and practice or not.
I sacrifice sleep, family time, and personal time for an hour of math, an unimportant essay, and random assignments.”(Waters). In addition the author said “teachers seem to give the most work when it is least needed, such as during Homecoming Week or prom weekend, or before advanced-placement tests or a huge athletic game.”(Waters). These quotes are important because it shows that there should be a limit on homework. There should be a limit on homework because children need time for activities instead of doing homework right after school then having to go to bed after they're done with there homework. For my last reason Homework is not always helpful. The article says “Maybe kids should learn whatever they're interested in and write an essay on it” (“Too much homework?”). The author states “many homework assignments are repetitive, unnecessarily boring or of limited educational value” (Greenspan). These quotes are important because it shows that there should be a limit on homework. There should be a limit on homework because if the homework doesnt help then why should they give the homework out sense it would be a waste of time for the child. Therefore In conclusion, Teachers should have a limit on how much homework they are
I barely get any sleep because I have so much homework. Homework should be banned because people have activities after school, then they go home to clean and then do homework by that time it would be late. Although people think that homework is a good practice for education, homework should be banned because it can can cause people to be tired in the morning after staying up doing homework.
Dr. Michael Nagel, an associate professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast, says homework has no scientific benefit and that it could even be bad for a student’s brain. “The adult brain does not fully mature until the third decade of life (a person’s thirty’s) and too much stimulation could cause unnecessary stress on a student.” An analysis conducted by Pearson showed that the number of hours spent on homework was between ten and sixty-five hours a week, with females scoring higher on the hours of homework, stres...
We all know the downfall of homework: the frustration and exhaustion, family conflict, time loss, and decreasing interest in learning. No study has ever demonstrated any academic achievement linked to assigning homework. There is also no support to the fact that homework provides nonacademic benefits at any age. Here are a few examples: building character, promoting self-discipline, or teaching good work habits. All teachers who assign homework want to believe that the gain outweighs the pain. Although, there is no evidence of that and they must rely on faith (“Homework: No Proven Benefits”, pg. 1). Michellea, a mother of a middle school student, says that some work can reinforce certain skills, but hours of homework are unhealthy and unproductive. Mominseattle agrees. She contemplates that such a heavy load can result in potential drawbacks to the students. Hours of homework a night plus a full day of school can be just as much work as an adult at a full-time job. She believes students should enjoy their childhood, as short as it already is. MagnetMom complains about how her daughter’s homework takes away her beneficial sleep. With busy families, like hers, they have many after school activities, so when they get home, they do not have time for too much homework. She says ...
Homework kills kids! Too much homework is dangerous because it stresses kids out. Too much homework causes kids to stay up late doing homework, leading to sleep deprivation; sleep deprivation usually means high blood pressure, and when someone has both sleep deprivation and insomnia combined, they are at risk for stroke or a heart attack (Ponte). Homework is not only bad for the kids but also bad for the parents of the Children. Homework is bad because it causes stress, it limits time with family, and schools can have better scores by giving less homework.
Understudies regularly report that homework has little relationship to the work close by, it is ineffectively set, checked late, and that there is an absence of student educator cooperation bringing about poor feedback. Pupils who like school will probably put stock in the significance of homework than the individuals who hate school. Students' demeanor towards getting their work done including inspiration, a state of mind, prosperity, family conditions, the climate, and the quality and amount of homework relegated. Students' hated work set above or underneath their capacity, scrutinized educators who provided food for the most reduced shared element and felt that great instructors individualized
Kids need more time to be kids and be more around family instead or having to do homework all of the time. Most kids spend about 2-3 hours doing homework and not with family or friends according to, Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids' Health? Students do tons of homework that it is causing most parents to say that they only get to see their children during dinner time or they might not even be able to go to dinner because they just want to be done with homework. As Kamala Nair said to prove that parents mostly see their child during dinner time or not at all is in t To add on, because these kids are spending much time on homework, it is causing them to go to bed late, when you go to bed late but wake up early in the morning you are probably going to be tired, and when you are tired, it is most likely going to be hard to concentrate which can lead to bad grades.In this case too much homework can actually cause bad grades and, not help your children witht the things you may not know.
Vicki Haddock states, “Enforced homework assignments not only do not help children learn, opponents contend, but also largely destroy their love of learning!” (2). This explains, homework does not help students learn but instead, kills any love of learning a student could of had at one point. “The memorization exercises that comprised most of the era’s homework assignments were characterized as a dire threat to children’s mental health” (Haddock 3). This exemplifies, homework is a threat to mental and physical health of a student, causing stress or depression. Students care a lot about grades, but if there is an outrageous amount of homework, a student can lose hope for everything involving school and grades. Finally, “The now-defunct American Child Association joined the campaign against homework, posting that homework was one of the leading causes of tuberculosis and heart disease among U.S. youths.” (Haddock 3) This demonstrates, homework has been proven to cause diseases in U.S. youths. Homework is a hazard to a student's health, but teachers still give it out anyway. Soon no one will ever want to go to school because of the outrageous homework piles handed