Should Immigrants Be Maintained

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Should Legal Immigration be maintained? Have you ever thought about the increasing number of population in your country? In the past few years, the population of any country has been on the rise. This is a major problem that faces many countries all over the world and may have serious complications, the main reason for this is the increasing number of immigrants. The reason behind their immigration varies from one person to another. Yet, Immigration can be seen from two different perspectives. There’s a great disparity in the benefits of Immigration, some say it benefits the country economically and socially, however, others believe it merely benefits the Immigrants and brings more harm than good. Supporters of Immigration are convinced that the positive outcomes of immigration are more pronounced economically. Immigrants whether skilled or unskilled play an important role in enhancing the economy of any country. According to Giovanni Peri, he has shown that the number of Immigrants in the U. S who are in the workforce are usually High School Dropouts with almost 40%, exceeding the Immigrants with PhD (“The economic benefits of Immigration”). Unskilled Immigrants contribute to the economy greatly. Due to their limited language skills, unskilled Immigrants usually have a tendency to work in manual jobs such as Farm Laborers, …show more content…

Here comes the role of immigrants, as they are willing to take any wage especially when they travel to a developed country. Thus, they take the low paying jobs that most residents would not do. This in return leaves better jobs for the residents. Rapidly rising wages usually means that the number of employees is deteriorating as a result employers tend to raise the wage for skills that are difficult to find. However, in countries with high immigration rate, this is not the case as the labor shortages are compensated by

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