Should Heinz Have Stolen Drugs For His Wife?

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Moral development concentrates on the emersion, change, and comprehension of morality from early childhood through adulthood. Morality is defined as a rationale for how persons are supposed to treat one another with respect to justice, others’ welfare and rights.
Ethical reasoning is relevant to the rights and wrongs of human conduct (Mobley, p.18). Each person has standards that are defined by their values which come into play when the person faces certain dilemmas. It is simply thinking about what is right and wrong. The ability to identify, assess and develop an ethical argument from a variety of ethical positions is the desired effect.
Considering these construct in Heinz dilemma, I would have answered the emerging four questions (Should Heinz have stolen the drug? Would it change anything if Heinz did not love his wife? What if the person dying was a stranger, would it make any difference? Should the police arrest the chemist for murder if the woman died?) as follows. The questions can be found on
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Yes. I think Heinz should have stolen the drugs for his wife because ethics and morals dictate human life to be priceless. The chemist shows unprofessionalism and lack of ethical reasoning on his part by denying Heinz the drug even after his efforts of providing half the doubled amount which was still excessive compensation.
2. No. I think regardless of whether Heinz loved his wife or not he would have still gone to the trouble of raising the money for the medicine and even stealing from the chemist. Their recognition of one another as human beings with an original bond as husband and wife is enough to draw

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