Should Headers Be Allowed Essay

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Should Headers Be Allowed?
The ball comes flying towards you! You’re going to do it! You’re going to score your first goal! The ball zooms toward your head, and you take a step back. “You can’t do headers in the game,” you say to yourself as you walk back to your spot, wishing that you could have scored that perfect goal. I believe headers should be allowed because kids need to learn to be brave, it’s a part of the game, and there is protective gear to keep kids safe.
Kids should be allowed to do headers because if they don’t, kids will live their rest of their life in fear of the ball. In fact, kids on soccer teams can score the winning goal in soccer if they learn how to do them correctly. This can lead them to success, and then they can …show more content…

Banning headers won’t stop concussions. There are lots of other sports that cause concussions too, like basketball and baseball. When playing basketball, there is always a chance that you can hit your head, and in baseball, you can get the ball thrown at your head. If we want to prevent concussions completely, we would have to ban all sports, and that’s not an option. Scientific American states that, “Player-on-player contact was the most common causes of concussions overall..” If we want kids to not get headers, we would have to ban the sport. There is always a chance that kids will get hurt from others. NBC News agrees, stating that, “But slamming into another player, rather than heading the ball itself, is what causes the most header-related injuries, the study found.” If there is scientific evidence that headers aren’t the main reason for concussions, then why are we banning them? We would have to stop the game completely if we want to get rid of the chance of concussions. This isn’t an option! Tons of kids all over the United States love soccer and maybe even want to be a professional athlete. Soccer isn’t only fun to play, but it is also a source for entertainment for people that can’t or can play. My own family, especially my Dad, loves to watch soccer games. That’s one of the only thing he watches when he turns on the TV! If we stop the whole sport, it will hurt many people's

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