Should Congress Have Term Limits Essay

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"The time for congressional term limits has finally arrived. Not only will it end our government corruption, but we will end the economic stagnation that we're in right now. No growth," President Trump said Tuesday during a speech in Colorado, according to the Washington Post (Johnson). Whether or not Congress should have term limits has been a long debated question that is proposed as an amendment to the qualifications clause of the Constitution. Many American citizens have approved term limits for Congressmen, moreover many states and hundreds of cities and counties across the United States have adopted term limits for congress. In order for term limits to become constitutional, an amendment to U.S. constitution would require approval from …show more content…

Term limits are not necessary because members of Congress must be regularly re-elected. If they are not doing a good job in office, we can simply vote for someone else. Thus, giving more power to bureaucrats and lobbyists, as turnover would not allow stability in congress. The problem is not how long the politicians stays in the office rather the real problem is the power and unconstitutional overreach of the federal government. Yet studies have found that in California, which became one of the first states to set term limits on their legislative body in 1990, term limits have done nothing to rid the state of career politicians (Singer). In fact, all members of Congress have term limits. Voters get to determine every two years in the House and six years in the Senate whether a member is still serving their interests. Term limits cannot guarantee either individual liberty or good government if voters with bad ideas replace bad legislators with other bad …show more content…

In addition, they can be harmful to smaller states because they have smaller representation in the congress as it would not allow them to build up power through seniority. Similarly, experience comes only by the means of practice, the longer they served the more experience they are likely to gain and serve better. It might bring un-elected individual in the office, if term limits are applied and a senior member expires, then important decisions would have to be made by people who had not been elected and experienced member will be replaced by lobbyists. Term limits will not accomplish the reform that is needed in our federal government, because term limits will not restrain the power of our federal government. The distribution of power between our local and federal government seems main cause of call for term limits. It is true that changes have to be made in the way campaign funds are distributed and in other areas. Thus, positive results do not have to be always accomplished by repelling old lawmaking

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