People often associate school with safety. Some would even say that it is one of the safest places for a child to be. Parents have to believe that, because that is where they take their beloved children to enhance their education. People also equate negative things with school. Whether the school is public or private, it cannot escape the deranged parents that repeatedly come to the school, the distracting arguments that are caused by a teacher and student, or the bullies that torment the weaker students. Every teacher or school official could tell you a horror story of an unhinged parent or guardian. Parents sometimes assume that their child is not capable of doing wrong, so they blame school workers and come to the school. Of course, all …show more content…
I have seen in which both sides have been wrong. The worst cases are when you simply do not know which one was in the wrong. For instance, a teacher inequitably singled out a student in an extremely rude way, and the student lashed out; they ended up in a very heated argument. That only landed the student in ISS, in school suspension, for disrespect. Besides making half of the class entertained and the other half uncomfortable, it wasted a large amount of time in class resulting in an incomplete lesson for that day. On a much rather frequent occasion, there are students that enjoy arguing with their teachers. One particular young boy picked a fight with our homeroom teacher every day for two entire semesters. He would make inappropriate jokes that led to immature giggles, and that only made him attack harder. He would never listen to what our teacher said and would deliberately try to ruin her mood before her next class. However, he never did get sent to the office, which really made me admire her patience and sometimes eccentric sense humor. Coincidently, or maybe not, she moved schools the following year. The amount of disrespect is rising; I hear people down the hall bragging of how they “told a teacher off”, and their confidants only laugh at the distasteful joke. I am tired of seeing some of the best teachers leaving. Whether it is because of the rude comments or constantly being ignored, it is still extremely unconventional and a terrible loss for well-deserving
There are many causes on why a child or teenager may misbehave. There could be issues at home, with family, other kids, peer pressure, and the list goes on. This can affect family, friends and their own lives in a negative way. “Understanding why children engage in bad behavior is critical to curbing it”, illustrates Harvey Karp, M.D, a pediatrician and author of the book and DVD “The Happiest Toddler On The Block”. In that case, there is a lot to be learned about the cause of misbehavior.
A problem that seems to have no solution. School is a place where students can go to feel safe in an environment that is designed to help them learn and advance. Not a place where students fear going to school. “The American Association of school Psychologists reported that more than 160,000 students are absent from school daily due to the fear of being bullied” (Levine and Tamburrino, 2014). That is an incredibly high number.
Furthermore, educational institutions are suppose to emphasize learning and teaching- it is children grow and learn more about the world each day. However today's educational institutions mostly rely on punishment, violence, and misbehavior. Guided by the mass increase of school shooting and reports of increase in school violence, schools around the world have recently adopted revolutionary solution and prevention methods.
Schools have become less safe. People blame either bad parenting or video games. Bullying is another factor as to why students end up shooting at schools and then ending their own life. It is so tragic and must be stopped.
It is true that due to the positive learning atmosphere, schools have been regarded as a safe place for many years. Even today students and parents believe that schools are safe. If violence is increasing in youth culture, schools would be considered a dangerous place, but yet it remains known as secure. In addition, security has increased tremendously, within airports, major league sporting events, and upgraded police surveillance at American schools. Knowing this a logical assumption would be that violence has decreased. However, in my opinion, youth’s culture is changing and as a result violence is rising.
Going to school is something that children do at a young age. The idea of school is ingrained into children at as early as six weeks of age in a daycare. As the child grows older they enter elementary school, middle school, and then high school. Within the schools there are students, administrative staff, nurses, volunteers, and of course teachers. Then questions are asked. What really is the purpose of school? How can a teacher gain student’s attention when they are thinking about things outside of school? How are the students different from one another? What determines between a good and bad teacher? How can character be successfully be integrated into schools? These are a few questions that were addressed in the book You Can’t Teach Through
School is supposed to be a place where a parent can easily let their child go, and not fear that something bad is going to happen to them. Although many things can go wrong when practicing magic, and living in a world with He -Who- Must- Not- Be- Named Harry loved it there, and he couldn’t wait to go back. “He missed Hogwarts so much it was like having a constant stomach ache.” (3) At Hogwarts, he knows the schedule, he knows how things work, and from knowing what to expect he feels safe there. He’s surrounded by friends and people he knows care about him. Also, to Harry, Hogwarts is a place of comfort and safety because it is where he can practice what he is passionate about. In this way, I believe the Muggle school’s and Hogwarts are alike, for they both provide a great sense of comfort and safety to their students. Similarly, like Harry I sense comfort and safety when I am at school. I know what is expected of me, I know that I have a support system of people around me, and I know that eventually this will lead me to doing something that I am extremely passionate
You should have the feeling of being safe at school. No one should feel unsafe at school because school is where people enjoy time with friends and learn and study. The evidence is clear that greater gun laws are necessary.
It is a place where they can feel protected and upheld. Sometimes the bad school performance makes the children feel that they do not belong to that world. It makes her feel that it is not able to keep up with the other colleagues. We all know how children without even knowing it can be cruel with schoolmates. Thus, a bad school performance already is reason for starting bullying against those who do not have good grades. The other children give them pejorative nicknames and isolate them from the rest of the students. This makes the school is torture for this type of student. They end up not putting up the pressure and drop out of school. Another critical point to highlight is the transition to the elementary school to middle school when the school changes the system of having only one teacher to have several teachers and rotations classrooms and colleagues. Sometimes the children do not adapt to this change and drop out of school. The type of school that the child and adolescent attending and the type of teacher they also have are crucial factors for student follows or not in school. As previously mentioned the school environment should be welcoming to the student. If the school is extremely rigid and not provide freedom for the student can feel the will to expose your ideas or even discuss (with discipline and respect) someone’s ideas in class, this school will not be a place where the student liked to spend half his day. Another important point is to have well prepared teacher. The school must have trained and motivated teachers to work. They need to be people that encourage students to develop critical thinking and to make even the most boring of subjects an attractive theme to develop in the classroom. In addition, teachers need to have the sensitivity to realize when a student is going through a period of difficulties and help you overcome
The issue of school safety has become a controversial topic in the United States, due to tragic acts of violence occurring on a daily basis. American citizens should never have to cope with the negative impact of school violence, no matter how often they hear about the tragedies (Jones, "Parents" 1). In the past, schools were viewed as a safe place for children to get an education. Recently, the concern over violence in schools has taken a toll on many parents, school administrators, and legislatures (Eckland 1). Studies have shown that there are over 3 million acts of violence in American public schools each year. Not all occurrences are serious and deadly, but they occur on a daily basis throughout our country (Jones, “School” 6). This has caused many parents to worry about the well-being of their children while they are in class. This has also led to an increase in questions and concerns by parents and guardians. Many people have asked, “What are you doing about safety and security on my child’s campus” (Schimke 2). School violence is the cause of elevated worry and fear for their children, and school districts should enforce better security.
Although some parents will use excuses like a student’s safety at home school vs. public school but it’s simple, nowhere is guaranteed a safe not even your own home. Attending public school at least someone will be there to witness if something god forbid does happen. There are adults in the building hired by the school board to attain your child’s safety, that’s way more adults to safely protect a child or student out of harm’s way. There’s nothing better than seeing your child as parent be so excited to learn or go to school even if just because that day is the school’s dance, it motivates them to be excited to attend public schooling. I remember the biggest event for me in school were my 8th grade prom and my high school senior year events, it made it feel rewarding that you went to school for so many years and continuing. I am more than glad that I got to experience school events through elementary, middle school, and high school. It gave long lasting memories with good friends, staff that worked in the school and even build some connections with teachers also Significant people in my city for the
To conclude. Schools that are seen as privileged also have to overcome a lot of barriers that effects their learning. They are not the same as the schools in rural area’s, but they also need extra attention. If the students, teachers and parents work together, they can overcome these barriers to make a school a safe and effective learning environment. school something that the students can look back on and think that it was a meaningful time where they learned a lot about life instead of a time where they thought they would have a break down because they got a low score on a test. School should be a time to make mistakes in a safe environment that they can learn from, not a place that they are petrified to make a mistake for fear of retribution on their grade cards. Its time to change the school system to save future students from becoming stress crazed and to let them know that there is more to this world than a grade card and in the long run it is a very small fraction of life.
The highly publicized shootings and other acts of violence which have taken place in public schools have resulted in the application of strict rules and security measures such as metal detectors to help create and maintain a safe learning environment. With these measures taken place, it ensure that public institutions are becoming better for free. Private schools are generally safer places. Access to campuses and buildings is carefully monitored and controlled. Because private schools usually have fewer students than a public school, it is easier to supervise the school population. Discipline on students behavior are far more of a top priority in privates institutions. Mainly because, the student is carrying the name of the school, and the administration is on top of keeping their school at an all time top tier amongst any other private institution. Yes, there are disciplined students in public systems, but are other students safe from bullies or crime related activity. In the article, “Charles Blow”, discusses that “ Young boys at religious private schools were more likely to say that they had bullied, teased or taunted someone in the past year. While boys at public schools were the most likely to say that it was normal to hit or threaten a person who makes them very angry, boys at private religious schools were just as likely to say that they had actually done it. While some public schools
These days, school safety is one of the most important parts of running a good school. So how can we make our school, safer and a better school overall?