Short Story Lady With The Dog Chekhov

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Imagine always being in the right spot at the right time, or vise versa. The setting of a story is very important. It brings out the mood and tone of the story. The time and place of the story affects the readers’ perceptions because it is the basic element of stories. This gives readers a vivid picture of the world the character lives in.
In the short story “Lady with the Dog” by Anton Chekhov, the setting is very symbolic. Everytime the season changes, their mood also changes. Everything around them is a symbol of their feelings. When it is summer time they feel warm towards each other, like when the hot weather comes, things escalate in Gurov’s and Anna's relationship. For example, Gurov says, “The weather is better this evening... Then he looked at her intently, and all at once put his arm around her and kissed her on the lips” (Chekhov 168). During autumn months, they fall for one another, but during winter everything is cold within their relationship. …show more content…

If people were to read this story without knowing the place and time, the moral of the story would be very different. China is symbolic to the story because Jing-Mei, who is Chinese, lives in the U.S. Jing-Mei is going to visit her family in China. She is nervous that she won’t fit in there, but she soon realizes the two countries are similar. For example, Jing-Mei is thinking about dinner and she is visualizing a chinese feast. She pictures chicken wrapped in clay, but her father says, “We are going to dine tonight in our rooms, with our family, sharing hamburgers, french fries, and apple pie” just like americans do (Tan

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