Shooting An Elephant By George Orwell Summary

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Eric Blair was a writer and critic, most know him by his pen name George Orwell. The reader can infer that Blair would choose such a name because Orwell was a river in East Anglia, Eric Blair was born in East India. Orwell’s writings are based off his experiences with poverty. George Orwell wrote a memoir called “Shooting an Elephant”, which was set when he was an Indian Imperial Police working in Burman. During the story he describes the troubles he faced and the reader learns his opinion on Imperialism. In the memoir “Shooting an Elephant” written by George Orwell, the author is sent on a job to save an elephant from destroying a village. The natives that lived in the village despised the white men so it was the authors abyss when he spotted the elephant and was trying to figure out what to do (kill the elephant for the people or save it for his morals). The reader may notice some details George Orwell inserted into the story to make the elephant seem like a metaphor for imperialism. On page one he describes the police he is working for, “grey, cowed faces of the long-term convicts”. An elephant is a grey animal that is large and very recognized, just like the British Empire in Burman. George Orwell was faced with the difficult decision because the elephant was the British Empire to him but the people in the crowd that had …show more content…

Some details in “Miss Devine” where over exaggerated to make the story fell more real. James ransom said “leaves would be blowing in the trees, sky would go black and clouds would come in”, the reader realizes that Miss Devine was not powerful enough to control the weather but it shows the reader how stern Miss Devine was. The reader can recognize that the speakers are elderly and most likely changed the facts because they were remembering a story from their

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