Shapley Vs. Curtis Argumentative Essay

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Two men named Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis has a debate in 1920 that is still important today for changing how we think about galaxies. They talked about five important things. The first thing they debated was how big our galaxy, the Milky Way, is. Shapley said that the Milky Way was much bigger than we first thought, 100,000 light-years across, and that, because it was that big, it had to be the only one. Curtis said the the Milky Way was smaller than that, and that other galaxies existed past ours. They were both right and both wrong. Shapley was right about the size of the Milky Way, and Curtis was right about there being many more galaxies in the universe.
The second thing they debated about was how nebulae were distributed in the universe. Our galaxy is on a plane and there is lots of dust and other stuff on that plane. Curtis said all of that stuff was stopping us from seeing spiral nebulae on our own plane, but that there probably were nebulae that we could not see. Shapley assumed that spiral nebulae just didn't happen on the same plane as out galaxy. Curtis was right.
The third thing they debated was how bright novae seemed. Shapley said that some novae looked so bright to us, that they would have be amazingly bright to also be so far away. Curtis said that they were so bright that …show more content…

Shapley said that because other spiral nebulae looked different than our own galaxy, they had to be different than ours. Curtis didn't say anything about that but he did say that the lines in those nebulae proved that they were made up of many stars, just like our Milky Way. Curtis was right, and Shapley was only wrong because he didn't know that astronomers really can't get the same view of our own galaxy as we can of other galaxies. It's like trying to see your whole body without a mirror. Your eyes can only do so

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