Shakespeare's Macbeth-Personal Narrative

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Tis still hard for me to imagine whence I am right anon. Tis a blessing to beest crowned the king of Scotlan. Mine father wast the most wondrous king anyone couldst asketh for, and tis a shame yond his life wast taken so relatively early. I desire yond thou all wilt accept me as thy king. I deeply apologize for the tragic events yond hast did occur up until this point. I wilt tryeth mine hardest to returneth the desire and peace yond this country deserves.
Macbeth wast a tyrant and I’m fustian to declare yond he’s gon still. May one of the mental status yond did has’t shouldst hast the power to rule the state. I wanteth to propose yond all of the thanes cometh back to Scotland and beest under mine hest.
I wanteth to thank God for this opportunity

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