Sexual Homicide Offenders

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Sexual homicide is a type of offense related to offender’s sexual gratification. For most people, sexual homicide is usually considered terrifying due to its nature and the way sexual murderer commit such offense. For law enforcement agencies, it is not easy to predict and prevent sexual homicide because such offenders usually act the way most people do (i.e. they participate in community activities), and their deviant characteristics are not revealed until they commit sexual homicide (Myers, Husted, Safarik, & O'Toole, 2006). Because of the difficulties of identifying sexual murderers in advance, the most practical way for law enforcement officers to investigate is to examine crime scene indicators so that they can understand …show more content…

First, the research project will begin with the typical classification of sexual homicide offenders through crime scene indicators; and second, some classification from recent studies will be discussed. In the second part of this research project, offender profiling will be introduced through their mental status, the way they commit such offense, and the number of victims they murdered. Finally, policies implications and future research direction will be mentioned in the part of …show more content…

Offenders with anger commit sexual homicides in response to “something that upset them” and what they do is out of anger. On the other hand, sadistic offenders commit sexual homicide because doing so often results in sexual arousal and they enjoy while committing offenses. Some policies implications suggest that law enforcement officers can use the weaknesses of offenders with anger (they usually feel guilty and they are prone to confess) to obtain their confession as soon as possible (p.

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