Sexual Assault And Rape Survivors Essay

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In the United States alone, one sexual assault occurs every two minutes, with an average of 288,820 victims of rape and sexual assault annually. With numbers this high, it is likely that most people know a sexual assault or rape survivor, and over the course of their lives, many people may become romantically involved with a survivor.

Significant others are important support people for survivors and while this may be a difficult role to take on, survivors need a strong support system in order to help cope with their past trauma.

Listen to their story

For many sexual assault and rape survivors, sharing their story is an important part of the healing process. While this appears to be a simple task, it is often the most emotionally draining and challenging …show more content…

When listening to a survivor’s story, make sure frame any questions or statements in a way that withholds judgment. Any questions about the survivor’s choices or decisions implies victim blaming and can prevent the survivor from sharing any more of their story. Survivors often already feel guilt about the situation; significant others need to make sure that they do not add any more unnecessary guilt.

Along with not doubting the survivor, it is also important to not pity them. When a survivor shares their story, it means that they are opening up and looking for a support system, not a pity party.

Don’t ask prying questions

If a survivor shares their story, they trust and feel comfortable with that person. They will share what details and information they are ready to share. Significant others might sometimes feel privy to all of the details about the event, either out of concern or curiosity, but they must remember that their loved one will share what they feel is necessary. Asking for more than the client is ready to give can be damaging to the survivor-support person

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