Sexism In The Workplace Essay

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You are invited to participate in this anonymous questionnaire about gender inequality in the workplace. The purpose of this survey is to look at overall opinions and ideas of both sexes concerning sexism issues in the workplace.
Participation in this survey could help in promoting discrimination education and policies in the work place and suggest further research in related topics. It will also give a person who has experienced sexism in the workplace an opportunity to be represented.

1. Please indicate your age group: 20-24__ 25-29__ 30-34__ 35-39__ 40-44 __ 45-49__ 50+__
2. Sex:
Male__ Female__

3. Marital Status:
Single__ Married__ Divorced __ Widowed__

4. Do you have children? …show more content…

Education Level:
__High School Graduate
__Some College, no degree
__Associate’s Degree
__Bachelor’s Degree
__ Advanced Degree

7. Employment Classification
(ex: Health & Medicine, Public Services, Education, Media and Technology)

8. Highest job position you have attained:
__General Staff
__Senior Manager
__Executive Manager
__Other _____________

9. How would you rank your level of satisfaction with your job?
__Highly Satisfied __Moderately Satisfied __ Not Satisfied __Highly Dissatisfied

10. What do you believe would increase your job satisfaction?
(note ALL that apply)
__Better pay
__More opportunity
__More challenging tasks
__More appreciation and/or recognition for my contribution
__Better interpersonal relationships

11. Do you feel your work place is gender inclusive?
__ Yes __No

12. Do you think you are treated equally at work when compared to the opposite sex?
__ Yes __No

13. What do you think are some of the key factors that contribute to the idea of Gender Inequality?

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