Serving In Florida Summary

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In the piece “Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich several claims about poverty are made. At the time the piece was published in 2001, many Americans failed to accept the reality in the growing complications of poverty in the country. At that time there was not a wide variety of help for those on the poverty line. Ehrenreich embraces this idea, “There are no secret economies that nourish the poor; on the contrary, there are a host of special costs” (155). The poor commonly find themselves in minimum wage paying jobs, with no added benefits and harsh working standards. For many, it is difficult to overcome these conditions, especially when life provides its own burdens. Ehrenreich shows the example of her coworker Marianne’s boyfriend, and how he was laid off because of the “special costs”. A cut on his foot caused him to miss work, a low paying job and lack of benefits preventing him from providing the proper prescribed antibiotics (155). Since then the affordability of help for those on the poverty line has improved. The passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, mandated that all citizens must have healthcare coverage. A marketplace was …show more content…

Both pieces attempted to show a certain aspect in life. They tried to inform others and evoke a sense of pathos, to convey pity in hopes of sparking a change in the situation. The difference in Eighner’s piece is that he shows that even though he experienced some of the worst scenarios, he was still satisfied for what he had. On the other hand, Ehrenreich depicts the hardships for those who are not at the complete bottom. Even though the people who were introduced in “Serving in Florida” were better off financially than Lars Eighner, many failed to recognise that the situation could always be worse. She shows how some are not grateful for what they have, but are instead searching for

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