Serial Murder Essay

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Serial murder has been defined earlier in this article, however, it is necessary to further refine this definition if the focus is on sexually motivated serial murder.
This means that such a definition should include motivation and the essential character of serial sexual murder. The author proposes that such a refined definition may be:
Sexually motivated serial murder is the killing of three or more victims over a period of more than 30 days, with a significant cooling-off period.
The sexual nature of the crime, which may – or may not – be explicit, is perverse and sadistic and reflects an aggression that is particularly destructive, pathological and rooted in violent fantasies that …show more content…

Shadowed by the influence of Ellis (1898) Freud
(1910) presented his first ideas on the social psychology of narcissism which were later elaborated on in his 1914 seminal paper On Narcissism. Of relevance to this paper, he noted that “the self-regard has a very intimate connection with the narcissistic libido”(Freud, 1914, p. 98). This point would later become the crux of all subsequent psychoanalytic work that defined narcissism as a pathological lack of self-esteem defended against by compensatory grandiosity (Ivey, 1989).
Object relations theorists suggest that there are a group of people in whom the main problem appears to be a disturbance of their self-regard in connection to a specific disturbance in their object relations. Within the object relations perspective, the development of the self is seen as dependent on preoedipal childhood experiences of caretakers (Fairbairn, 1949, 1952; Kohut, 1971, 1977;
Winnicott, 1945, 1963). Summers (1999) outlines two significant tasks

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